
SomeBunnies Spoiled the Bunnies and Me

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**Adapted from my post in Ravelry’s Bunny Rabbit Lovers group.**

I’m absolutely thrilled to be showing Heather‘s package that BFF picked up on Thursday at the PO Box. (It turned out when we checked on Wednesday, they did not put the package in our box, hrmph…)

So here I am with SlytherBun in my office when BFF delivers an enormous “lighter than air” package to me…

Huge box from Heather, Maisie, and Bennett
Huge box from Heather, Maisie, and Bennett


We then proceeded to open it and were gobsmacked at the pile that appeared in front of us:


Double WHOA…


***And as SlytherBun and I read the card, BFF helped me unwrap everything:***

Again… Whoa…
Again… Double WHOA…


***Holy smokes. Thank you Heather, Maisie, and Bennett!!***

I love the card, what you wrote, and especially that both bunnies “signed” it with their teeth. You sent the little bunny tags that I have favorited on Etsy!! SQUEE!! And every single item in the goodies are amazingly perfect:

My candy bars (though the kiddos will want some thanks to the late Mischievous Julius for influencing them), the kiddos’ toys, their treats, the ingenius hexapuff magnets (BRILLIANT!), the gorgeous drop spindle, the yummy tea, and the amazing tasting flight of fiber. *LOVE LOVE LOVE!*


***Here are the hexapuff magnets on the fridge, right where SlytherBun likes to reach when I’m holding her:***

2 Hexapuff Magnets


***And here is a photo of the girls playing with one of the chain of boxes. The other is hanging in their “den” box:***

Bunny Boxes


***Last, but not least, is a video I had taken of Zipper this morning with the chain of boxes:***


Again, thank you so much!! Your amazing package blew us away!! <3 <3 =:8

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