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Dropping and Stealing

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Many thanks for welcoming Mary into the world of Blogging. All comments are appreciated, and I do want to spread the word for her store’s work. She does a lot for charities in honor of her son. Her big heart gladly welcomes everyone into her “Yarns at Lacewings” shops.

The weekend has been full of wonderful sky photos, and I am excited at sharing both Friday and Saturday’s natural beauty. Both my walks were productive. Slowly but surely I am working my way from walking to running. Currently I mostly walk because my lungs are not used to doing more, but I am working on it!

Besides walking, I have been knitting my Clapotis present. With the beautiful lighting on Friday, I could not resist taking the Brooks Farm Clappy, Simon’s hat, and Ace’s Table Runner out for some photos after my walk. This gift Clapotis made me think of an interesting question: If the gift recipient is a knitter who loves the pattern but does not have a Clappy, should the shawl be given with undropped or dropped stitches? I always thought the best fun of the pattern was dropping the stitches. Any input here in the comments would greatly be appreciated.

Another drop last night was the surprise we gave in my surrogate family in Connecticut. Because the birthday party was pretty big for my two aunties, I am going to reserve that event with its own entry.

For now with the photo teasers, I submit my answers to the Meme I stole from Keohinani’s “Alohas and Oreos” blog.
Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following…They MUST be real places, names, things…NOTHING made up! If you cannot think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CANNOT use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. Actor: Keanu Reeves and Kiefer Sutherland
2. 4 letter word: kids (well, for my current situation)
3. Street name: Kimberly Lane (honestly, it is in Chesapeake, VA)
4. Color: Kelly green (for the Irish in me)
5. Gift/present: kitchen (dreaming of a brand new slate floor)
6. Vehicle: Katana (motorcycle)
7. Tropical Location: Kenya
8. College Major: Knitting (well, RISD has classes in it)
9. Dairy Product: Kashta (pronounced “ahshta” and is often described as Middle Eastern’s version of clotted cream)
10. Thing in a Souvenir Shop: Keychain
11. Boy Name: Kenneth
12. Girl Name: Katherine
13. Movie Title: K-9
14. Beer: Kirin
15. Occupation: Knight or King
16. Flower: Kangaroo Paw
17. Celebrity: Kim Catrall (who else besides Katharine Hepburn?!)
18. Magazine: Kitchen & Bath Design News
19. U.S. City: Kansas City, MO (Home of my Chiefs!)

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  1. For the Clapotis, if you are presenting the gift in person, it would be fun for the knitter/recepient to drop the stitches. If you’re sending it, I would drop the stitches.

  2. Great Saturday Sky photos – I’m glad to see it’s not gray and dreary everywhere! I vote for letting the knitter-recipient of the Clapotis drop her own stitches (but then she’ll have to block it herself, too).

  3. I printed out the sky photos! they are so fabulous I need to scrapbook them! My son has begun to knit and I am not a good instructor…any recomendations? He can do the stockinette and can purl!

  4. Gorgeous sky pics! As for dropped vs. undropped. I guess it would depend on the person. I myself think dropping stitches is a lot of fun but then again I’m pretty easily amused!

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