
Forgetting the 13th Part

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In trying to reflect why my commute into work this morning has been so bad, it finally hit me that today’s date is the 13th on a Friday! I usually do not think of this day as one filled with bad luck, but BOY did I have an argument with the gasoline station attendant. She said the rule is if you use any of the pumps that are on the outer islands, prepayment is required. Of course, she did not tell me until I was standing in the cold, freezing my tailbone, for a good 5-10 minutes pressing all the buttons just to get a response from the pump. (Sigh)
Hopefully the rest of the day will be uneventful. A presentation at 9AM, meeting at 10AM, and back at the hospital at 4PM. Some good news to report, I finally found my crochet hook case! I had been going frantic the past week because I needed to sew up my sister’s 2nd mitaine, and my needle was in it. Whew! I will get the rest of those photos online soon. Promise! Meanwhile, I leave you with a shot of Lisa’s fingerless gloves (aka mitaines)…

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  1. I love how your mittens turned out! I’m working on my first pair of fingerless mitts right now and have really enjoyed them.

  2. those are so awesome! i love the green color, and cables!? loves it! i’m sure the recipient loves them too 🙂 sorry, i meant to post earlier, but i got caught up in something and had to remember to come back later.

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