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Get ‘er Done

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Last week was a nice busy one with periods of highs and lows so I was not completely slammed nor bored. Today and yesterday were a bit of blah ones, but that would go into the once a month TMI, so I am not going there. Now let me begin with Tuesday night with the PetSmart Adoptees.

The same group was there again of Jazmine, Tabitha, and the pair of Cocoa and Kiki. I thought I feature a couple more photos of the shy angora this time. The others did not want their pictures taken anyway. I think it has something to do with trimming their nails last week. 😉

Wednesday I picked up my walking meter which measures how many steps I take. That day, I ended up with over 3500. I wish I could do that every day! Later in the evening, I met up with Debbie from Calico Kitty. Helene, Lorena, and Cathy could not make it out, but we had a blast talking and knitting away on our socks. Me the dolt, forgot to pull out my camera to take pictures of her socks in progress. I promise that next time I will get some.

Thursday night Rich and I had dinner out at L’Attitude in Cranston, RI. We practically used to be weekly regulars — almost 3 times a week. The restaurant has changed its menu while keeping some standard favorites. We discovered the staff has changed too, and are disappointed that another favorite bartender is gone. At least the flourless chocolate cake is now more like a thick mousse instead of a solid brownie chunk.

Saturday, I overslept through my alarm and did not get out of bed until 8:30AM. I had wanted to go up to Smith College for the Weavers Seminar up in Northampton, MA. Why? Because I wanted to visit the assorted booths, especially Habu’s. I ended up missing my target to leave the house, but decided to visit a couple of LYS in the Providence and Pawtucket areas. I first dropped by Wayland Yarn Shop in Pawtucket. This interesting shop has full bags of yarn stacked on its shelves. Keeping the yarns in their bags prevents a mussed up product, which is why the owner does so. Her shop was full of lively customers who were all working on sweaters. I looked at the assorted goods, and spied a nice bit of Noro’s Silk Garden and Kureyon along with vast amounts of FDC’s Zara and Elsebeth Lavold’s Silky Wool. All these yarns were on sale at 30% off to celebrate the shop’s 40th year anniversary. For those Ravelry folks who are wondering, yes I checked to see if Debbie’s #91 was there and no, unfortunately it was not.

After my visit to Wayland, I did a slight detour to Beadworks on Thayer, but was disappointed in the lack of selection of beads one could get for a project. I now know that the higher number pertains to the number of beads per inch, so the ones that I bought for MS3 are smaller than the ones stated in the pattern. I hope and pray that my eyes will not be too upset.

Next, I dropped by Fresh Purls on Providence’s Hope Street to check out Karen’s latest yarns in stock. She brought in more handpainted items from Alchemy and Dream of Color, not to mention more Jitterbug and Trekking XXL. I saw Alishia and Cyrena again and they were knitting socks in the back area.

My last stop was at my LYS Pawtucket’s location, Yarns at Lacewings. I wanted to get more of the beads I had purchased for the MS3. While there, I picked some Classic Elite yarn since all Classic Elite and Berroco are at 40% off. As I was ready to walk out the door, a pair of ladies came in asking about making something for a baby boy. I suggested a hooded bath poncho in cotton, and helped them not only find a pattern, but also yarn and needles. I left them in good hands for Ron to ring up their purchases. What a busy week! =:8

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  1. Whee – yarn crawl! (sigh)
    I had a short one, too, on Saturday!
    (and I’ve got to head to SereKnitty today…)

  2. Oh! I love yarn shops. I don’t get to go to them very much though. I don’t have any nearby really.

    The little bun is adorable. I love the helicopter ears!

    Jenni and Gretchen Bun

  3. That rabbit is so cute. (s)he looks like a doll. Is PetSmart still doing adoption? I’ve heard they’re now selling rabbits.

  4. Nice yarn crawl, and nice bunnies, too! I’m a former Rhode Islander now living in Florida, so it is fun to see and hear of places I remember (and make mental notes of places to visit on return trips!) Thanks for the comments on my new blog, too. -Jenny

  5. I like that recounting of your shopping trip. It’s fun for me to picture Thayer and Hope Sts – ah, college days. I think there was a bead store on Thayer then, but it might have been called Beauty and the Beads – fuzzy memory. And there definitely were no yarn stores in Providence then. I caught a terrible cold taking a bus in the snow to get to a not-so-LYS.

    Anyhow, I really need to visit Providence again sometime…

  6. Hey, Kimberly, long time since NYC and Representing! LOVE the “hit the Harlot with panties” thing…hysterical. I thought that mischievous face in the front row looked familiar. And I see you’re knitting MS3 – me too! In Knitpicks Shadow Oregon Coast with these yellowypinkygreenylavendery iridescent beads. I’m still on the last clue, about to start chart F. How’s yours coming along?

  7. Hi, I saw you on Yarn Harlot! The panties were hilarious.

    I decided to nix the beads for my MS3…I knitted the beaded votive holder sleeves from Handknit Holidays last fall and still shudder at the memory of bead explosions.

  8. Were you the instigator behind Stephanie’s undergarment shower? I forgot about MS3 this week. Oops. I’m so far behind on this one. I love your bunny pictures. It makes me want to adopt one of the little critters. Unfortunately, I’m not able to add another being to care for right now… I’m maxed out. How nice of you to help the strangers choose a baby pattern! Knitters really are the best people.

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