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Knitting Merrily Along

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I have been enjoying a good case of knitting mojo. So much so that I finished a pair of socks, the Brooks Farm’s Harmony Clapotis, and a stack of 4×4-inch charity squares for Rebekah’s Blanket of Hope. I should have posted on Saturday, but the day was so full that photos will describe better than my words. The day began when I arrived at 7:30AM for Fabric Place’s semi-annual Knitters’ Breakfast. If looked closely, the line waiting to get inside will become apparent in the above photo.

While seeing folks that I have met during recent outtings, I managed to receive some Classic Elite patterns for showing my CTH Clapotis and find a skein of Reynolds’ Blizzard at half price. After not finding anything else yarn-wise, I popped over at Yarns at Lacewings to see if there were any weekend specials. What I found was Cherub’s new colorways from Wool in the Woods. I decided to grab a pair of hanks in Grappa for the Sock Madness Challenge and Sock a Month 3.

I then hopped out on the highway to visit the bunnies I missed seeing on Tuesday. All 3 need socialization, the 2 girls (Goldie the Flemish Giant mix and Angela the Snowshoe Hare) more so than the little male (Leo the Lionhead). All 3 will be great houserabbits if given the chance.

While driving home from playing with the bunnies, I had a realization that I had not visited Bella Yarns and that someone from the Yarns at Lacewings’ Sunday knitting group mentioned that Bella Yarn’s owner Kim carried Mountain Colors. With such a gorgeous day, I detoured to I-195 for a drive to Warren, RI. I passed through posh-looking Barrington (scenic, but it appealed to me like a too pretty frat boy) and managed a couple of photos for Saturday Sky. What I discovered over there will continue with my next post. More later, I PROMISE!! =:8

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  1. Ohhhhhh those shelves of yarn would look really nice in my house:) Such pretty colours.
    Those bunnies look so cute and cuddly, one day I may give in, but for now the kitties are my furballs.

  2. Sounds like you had a great Saturday! The bunny pics are super cute – I’ve never seen one with a big mane of hair like that!

  3. Knitter, yarn store and bunnies – sounds like the perfect day!! Can’t wait to see what else you found.

  4. Just got back in time to share in a bout of stomach flu with the family! I am still looking for an easy sock pattern to use here in the cold scandinavian winters! Hope breakfast was good and I PROMISE to get my box of goodies posted as soon as I can sit for 10 minutes or longer!

  5. What a fun tour of the local yarn stores! I have not been to Bella Yarns either…I’ll be interested in hearing how you found it! (Although the last thing I need is more yarn, so I will probably do what I can to avoid putting myself in temptation’s way!)

  6. I couldn’t thinks of a better way to spend a Saturday. I wish we had as many lovely yarns stores here in Australia as you do there. The bunnies are gorgeous, I’d love to have some but my dogs and cats wouldn’t be impressed.

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