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Let’s Talk about “S”
Spread the love As I have said before, Spring is in the air and I have been inspired by the cool crisp sunny days alternating with the sleeting freezing ones. This work week was no exception, and I am glad the weekend is finally here. While working after-hours, I managed to squeeze in time for…
Socks and Bunnies on the Brain
Spread the loveFirst and foremost, “Happy Birthday D!” Dorothy is celebrating a big day today, and I want her to know how much we all love and admire her. I cannot go into too much detail about her life, but she survived years of an abusive marriage and kicked the “B” word out of her…
My Little Love
Spread the loveSometimes, there is important news to share. To me, this item is that on Tuesday, March 23rd at 13:05-ET, my beloved Augustus “Gloop” Caesar died in my arms after succumbing to a destructive sickness he had. His half-sister Hayley had similarly left me in February of 2006. My screams of panic were amidst…