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Back and Somewhat Better than Previous

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I wanted to take a quick opportunity to post during lunch today. Thanks to seeing the doctor on Monday, I am feeling better than I did over the weekend. How much? Well enough so that I was finally willing to knit last night! What you will see in my next blog entry is the final attempt to knit up Sir John’s birthday present. The yarn is Trendsetter’s Dali in their denim blue colorway, and for those not familiar with it, this cashmere is a heavier worsted weight which comes at 165 yards per 100 grams. What I really like about this yarn is that I frogged this scarf so many times on Friday and last night that I may have lost count, and it still looks gorgeous. Basically, I wanted to create a pattern that only fit John. I settled on something simple but not plain. Since Sir John’s birthday was this past Sunday, the 23rd, I decided to cast on enough stitches to create little picots for the fringe while keeping the scarf a not-too-wide size. The lace pattern is actually done over the 2nd and 3rd rows, while the mock cable is done on the 7th row. If you think about the numbers, you will see 2-3 on 7 — his birthday. 🙂 And ironically, this is the only pattern I really like for him, not too harsh for the 2×2 ribbed pattern, but done with a hint of properness that so fits him.

Before I was sick for most of the weekend, I went with Mom (MIL) to check out some furniture she wanted from this consignment shop. Unfortunately, the highboy seemed poorly made, and I just could not see her wasting her money on what was obviously a cheap knockoff of fluffed up Federal style crap. Yes, that is how much I disliked the piece! We decided to check out the consignment store in Governor Francis Shopping Center, and that is where we found a nice chest of drawers made of mahogany. Very good construction, only missing a screw for one the drawer pulls, and the price was actually $50 less than that “pretty but crappy” highboy she liked. I guess it pays to have dated someone in antique business. 😉

To top everything off, the cover to my catalytic converter was rotting away under my car, and I was dragging it while I was driving! AUGH. I did not need any aggravation. I am high-strung enough as it is. 🙂

Afterwards, she and I went back to her house. I think that is when the allergies caught up with me and attacked my sinuses in full force. From being very talkative and outgoing, I was so quiet, I really scared her. My ears began aching and wanted to pop over and over, and the area above my eyes filled with pressure. Oy! That is when I left for home and took allergy medicine. Boy was I worse!

And through all this craziness, I managed to witness the impossible. Yes, you are not seeing things in the above photo. That is Julius and Caesar actually laying near each other without fighting. I did not trust them longer than the 20 minutes they were both out, but I am hoping to try it all again soon and for a much bigger gap in time. Btw, remind me to talk about Yarnia’s awesome shop loft in my next post. Meanwhile, I must leave you a shot of the sky I saw en route to the doctor’s office on Monday. =:8

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  1. I know allergies are no fun and for some reason this year seams worse than others. Glad your feeling better! Love all your bunny pics.

  2. Yuck, sorry to hear things haven’t been so good for you either. Your allergies sound terrible!!! (Mine have been bad lately too). And the car glitch too – just what you didn’t need. I’m sending you happy thoughts.

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