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Being a Krafty1

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Slowly I am gaining control of my life. It first started when I decided to cut my hair, then I made a change in my eating habits to be healthier — or at least not as gluttonous. I started knitting more conscientiously about what I am making and what each detail symbolizes. I started getting a better idea on how much I am on Ravelry — maybe too much to comprehend? As for stash-enhancement-experiences, I am guilty of over-indulging a bit much. There are too many yarns “with whispering voices calling to me” (figure out where that phrase is from?) for projects begging to be made. To counteract the weight gain of yarn, I have taken up losing body weight and clothing sizes.
Richie and Me
When Rich and I married four years ago, I was a fat bride and hated being one. Seeing myself in the mirror grow in size since I was 30 years-old depressed me and I kept wishing myself strong and healthy again. Without any support from home and work in everything I did and wanted to do, I found myself getting worse emotionally, mentally, and physically. When I was “walked” out in March, something snapped in my head for an unknown reason and the drive grew to become the person that I knew was inside.
The American Contingent at Denmark in February 2008
I realized that my choices of what I put into my body were the main culprit to how I looked. I started grazing during the course of the day, and only ate heavier types of food for breakfast and lunch. I cut down on my meat intake and doubled my dairy intake. One discovery was a flavored/enhanced water that contained 2-3 grams of fiber in each serving — roughly 5 grams per bottle. Lately I eat lighter during lunch with a salad, or a cup of soup with a side of vegetables, but I still make sure I have breakfast. I also let myself splurge on the weekend with controlled portions of sweets. I have found that completely denying oneself always leads to backward steps. So far, I have been rewarded with a drop in 2 dress sizes. The satisfaction of having clothes unable to stay on my hips without being tightly belted is quite empowering!

My next steps are going to help me drop another 2 sizes and put some definition on my physique. Adding to the change in diet, I needed a new routine. I started walking 2 flights of stairs to get to my office. This week I joined a gym that has classes in conditioning, yoga, and pilates. I will have to replace my Monday/Thursday nights of knitting groups with the classes, but I know that the trade will make me feel and look better. My next target on the fitness revamp is getting more active. I have a lot of nervous energy, and a morning walk would help. Granted I have to get up earlier than I am now, but like the trade of the classes, the final result is worth the change.
A slew of packages
This week also brought me a wonderful package in the mail (Well, okay — several packages). The much anticipated “Favorites Swap” package by Bobbi from “(Caffeinated) Knitting Keeps me (Chemically) Balanced” brought anxious excitement. The biggest challenge of this swap was being able to abide by the $15 budget requirement yet offering a nice package. I enjoyed shopping for my assigned pal Wanda from the “Silly Sheep” blog, and am still wondering if she even liked anything I gave her. (YAY!! She DOES!!) Holding the box, I opened it to see what Bobbi had in store for me. Boy, was I in for some goodness!!
A peek into the letterpaddingCheck out the bunnies!paddingLook at the labels!paddingOoooo.  MERINO!
My favorite part about the package? The labels hinting at our favorites (Yes, that a purposely made pun). I love little details which show how much thought and creativity one puts into everything because I try to do the same. From the fragrant vanilla soap, to the awesome bunny-on-a-sheep figurine, Bobbi put a lot of time to incorporate both of our tastes.
A cool orangepaddingAlpaca for a BunnypaddingMore goodies!paddingFavorites in house
There are 2 really neat items to showcase, and one was wrapped in the orange paper. The other I enjoy because one can never have enough…
A bunny racing on a sheep!paddingA fun tape measure
So very huge ginormous bunny rabbit hugs go to Bobbi! Thanks so much for the wonderful package. I have been showing off the figurine to the rest of the Ravelry Helpers and anybunny who would listen!
Speaking of more posting, I need to answer the second question that Shelby my SP12 Hostess posted:
“In many parts of the US and abroad, school’s out. Take a walk down memory lane for Week Two’s question: As a kid, what did you look forward to most about summer vacation/break/holiday?”
I had to do a lot of thinking on that one. My sister and I never went away to camp, which may explain my uneasiness of being in the woods overnight. I remember the summer we learned to swim at the YMCA and discovered I took to the water like a fish. I could never get enough of being in the swimming pool and enjoyed our family membership. The idea of getting back into the water toys in my head occasionally, but I am not ready to slip into a swimsuit yet. In my last 2 summers of high school, I discovered surfing, and fell instantly in love. There is something organically sensuous about being in the water with only Mother Nature and a board. When I get enough money saved up for my little piece of waterside heaven, it will be near the ocean. Whew, I need to get in shape first!! =:8

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  1. Great package! And good for you for the whole losing weight/toning up/making yourself happy thing!!! 🙂

  2. I’m glad to hear you are accomplishing so many of your goals. Good for you! I know it’s a struggle, but, you’ll do it. Hang in there.

    Hope to see you soon. 🙂

  3. “I have found that completely denying oneself always leads to backward steps.” So true! It sounds like you are on the right track. Adding those classes is a great idea – especially during the summer months when you are probably more motivated than in the winter (at least that is the case with me). I’m going to look into that water (although its protein I’m usually lacking in, not fiber).

  4. You are truly an inspiration. You may not realize it, but your weblog (especially with posts like this one), has been very inspiring. Not to mention the fact that I adore your “rabbit” posts since I’m also a “bunny person”. I’ve found your knitting posts also incredibly interesting, and even though I have only ever crocheted, I’ve often contemplated knitting due to the change in knitting over the years (and how everyone seems to be doing it … and not looking “grandma-ish”), and also since I really like to wear comfy, cozy socks (that I would like to create myself). I have always sewed, so it will be interesting to add knitting into the mix. Your posts of course continue to inspire with that as well. I just wanted you to know that you have “fans” here online that read your weblog posts regularly, and even though I may not comment as often as I should, I am here, and I do try to comment whenever I think I might add something to the conversation. 🙂

    *Bunny Hugs* 🙂

  5. Wow! It’s so nice to hear someone who is motivated and positive. I can’t wait to see a picture of your new haircut. Great gifts! I think you were a beautiful bride.

  6. Congrats on taking Control, Kimberly! I am trying, too, and bought a Wii console and Wii Fit and I feel my hips getting slimmer by the week…I love it. :o)

  7. OMG–how cute is that figurine?! I love it. What a wonderful job your pal did with a $15 dollar budget…I’m amazed!

    And kudos on the weight loss!! 🙂

  8. Seems like that whole getting fit thing is a really common goal. I find that wii fit actually is helping me quite a bit, as is the new NYC law where they have to display how many calories everything is at restaurants.

    Congrats on actually getting results though…i’m still working on that aspect. :-p

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