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Swap, Swapping A-waaaay

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Hi All! Yes, I have actually stepped away from Ravelry and work to finish writing that full blog entry during my lunch break. My poor website has been very neglected lately. The obvious evidence is that I did not have the SP11 button on my sidebar. Eeep! For those curious about the knee socks in my last September post, here are some details.
NY Sock Exchange: started August 2007, finished September 2007
Pattern: Lacey Cable Knee Socks
Yarn: Colinette’s Jitterbug in Velvet Bilberry, about 150-175 grams used
Needles: Addi Turbo US-0, 2.25mm
Dimensions: for US Womens size 8M foot, about 40cm high
Techniques used: Turkish cast on 16 wraps, 2 socks on 2 circs, and Magic Loop
Pattern Notes: used cables on foot instead of lace pattern due to my loose gauge
Would I knit it again? YES!! I want to make these in my STR Mustang Sally

I have in my head the song “Slip Sliding Away” except I am substituting “swap” instead… Finally giving in, I will be writing this post to discuss the four, yes FOUR, exchange packages that I received this summer. In order of appearance, let’s “Roll ’em!”

There are 6 swaps on Ravelry that I have been participating in. The first was the Stash Exchange which I wrote about this summer. The second package to appear was from my Summer Camp Bunkmate Debbie. She is known as “Knitature” on the Rav, and feel free to give her a hello on her blog. This first-time swapper was a champ in sending over items that I would enjoy: dried peaches (GONE!), raw almonds (GONE!), chocolate licorice (GONE!), pretty-smelling soap, fabulous stitchmarkers and of course yummy yarn are an altogether awesome package.
Card from DebbiePretty stitchmarkersPuppy Love SoapGoodies and Yarn

The third Ravelry swap package I received is from sweet Valerie (aka LadyGrey) in Paris, France. Not only did she send me some great tea (click on the strawberry one for a closeup), but she included a shawl pin, cookies (alas, long since devoured), and some fabulous Katia Tundra. The yarn is perfect for making a baby blanket because of its soft wool and acrylic blend. šŸ™‚
A Special BoxThe SpoilsStrawberry TeaSoft pretty yarn!

The fourth package (also from a Ravelry swap) is my NY Sock Exchange socks from Marcela. Awhile back, she had posted an “ISO” for a solid color laceweight yarn in exchange for her pretty Schaefer Andrea made with the Indira Ghandi colorway. I was happy to oblige a trade for her “In Search Of” quest with a skein of my Skaska camel/silk laceweight. I still have another skein of the camel for myself, but just could not resist that Schaefer. Now, we go about in a circle because she was my spoiler! Her package contained all sorts of goodies to enjoy. What is missing from this post? Yes, the SOCKS! Why? Because I am going to have a contest. The challenge is Rhinebeck based for the first person who photographs my socks and posts the link to the photo on this entry gets a nice little package from me. (UPDATE: Woo-hoo!! We have a WINNER!!) The choice would be color-based. šŸ™‚ I will be wearing my “I’m a Square tee-shirt, and kind of look like **THIS**.
Tulips!Marcela's noteA Bunch of GoodiesSome really gorgeous sock yarn and awesome book

The latest package is not from a Ravelry exchange. It is from my wonderful SP11 Spoiler who is an absolute SAINT! She emailed me recently of her busy schedule, and all I could say was “Wow!” I really felt horrible after reading it because she is in school and working full-time. Here, I just have work, Ravelry, my knitting groups, and the bunnies.
Grapes... YUM!Very cool goodiesPretty Merino OroA matching set!

As for the other two Ravelry swaps I am in, Scarf Exchange and Pinoy Christmas, I am excited to see what we can do for the holiday season. I already have yarn and goodies in mind, and hope both of my recipients have a blast with what I send.

Finally, I have been tagged by the wonderful Randi over at “Knitting in Two Generations” which is in both Danish and English. She posted some bits about herself, and it is high time I list mine. As for tagging, I consider everyone reading this post tagged. šŸ˜‰ Hope everyone has fun with it!! =:8

    * Link to the person who tagged you (check!)
    * Tell seven truths about yourself (check!)
    * Tag seven persons in the end of the post (check!)
    * Leave a message on their blog telling them they’ve been tagged (check!)
    My truths:
    1) I am mesmermized by visual items, so when a television program catches my attention, I become completely entranced and tune out everything else.
    2) I love fried chicken, particular spicy and crispy like Popeye’s.
    3) I dislike most chicken dishes though, but really like duck.
    4) Aspertame makes my gums itch.
    5) Fresca and IBC Rootbeer are my favorite sodas.
    6) I adore my brown Doc Martens to the point that the tongue and tops are tearing off.
    7) I like vegetable-oriented foods but I am definitely not vegetarian.

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  1. Don’t feel bad…I made myself take 2 grad courses and work full-time-it was my own CHOICE! (Mind you, one I won’t be making again unless it happens to be summertime when things slow down tremendously at work.)

    I hope to have your next package out sometime this week…I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

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