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Bunny Sweater

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Found a very funny link in Cute Overload. The original site is HERE. If you think about it, making clothes for bunnies would be another great way to combine my 2 non-Richie loves of rabbits and yarn! Please consider me inspired to make one for each of my little ones… And on that note I leave you shots of Zy and Jessi back at home after I allowed them to keep their travel cage as part of their play area. =:8

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  1. hey….did you just have your second wedding anniversary? i was looking over in the sidebar and noticed something of that nature. happy anniversary!
    and that’s so cool of you to be selling stash for the bunnies. awesome!
    omg, that would seriously be cute overload if you made your bunnies some knitwear! gah, i am already getting a toothache looking at your sweet bunnies in the baskets. hahaha…so so cute!

  2. I’m not sure the bunnies will appreciate sweaters, heh, but I sure would love to see them in some;)

  3. Cute, cute animals! I could die of cloying cuteness from looking at that site. Your bunnies are short-haired, right? Probably can’t spin the hair…

  4. OK. The bunny sweater is so cute!

    I wonder if I could get Gretchen to wear one, long enough for a picture maybe?

    I love your blog! I am a knitting house bunny owner as well. I found the link to your site on the Bunny KAL.

  5. Hello, thanks a lot for leaving comments on my site and offer your support for Poppy! Your buns seem to have so much of their own furnitures! My Poppy don’t have this luxury, and instead, she just takeover mine and claim as her own. e.g. she cleared my nightstand and use it as her bed at night to sleep with me. By the way, how did Zy and Jessi get up on top of the cage? Also, your litter box is gigantic!

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