Revealing items
Neat news for me and my Secret Pal. She actually lives in a city near my hometown of Virginia Beach. I had revealed myself to her today in the online birthday greeting I sent her. Part of the reason was because the birthday present I also sent had my name on it. Also the practical side of me figured that I needed to anyway, so this was the perfect time for me to do so. My 4th and last package will have some nice surprises that I hope she likes as much as the others. Please click on her picture below to access her site: Monk and Magpie on Blogspot… (Sorry for the confusion, but I do not want anyone thinking I am taking credit for her FOs!)
For those of you who read my blog, I have been trying to update the sidebar, but each time I try to wean the links that I thought I stopped reading, I just cannot remove them because I read them all! I know I am SUCH a lurker… And what is ironic is that there are other blogs that do not have buttons that I read at least once a week. Another addition is the Yahoo Avatar that I really want to change according to what time of day it is. That will take a bit because I need to work on a script for it. Meanwhile, I discovered a fun link for dressing up.
If you like playing with the Yahoo Avatars, Stortroopers is a neat site that is strictly clothing, so no backgrounds or the like.
Now for more knitting stuff. I have the unsewn baby kimono right here for you to see. I will be knitting up a matching washcloth, and a pair of after-bath slippers too. In regards to getting this set out to Denmark, I found out one of the Developers will be visiting next week. Maybe he can bring the set back? Let’s hope so! =:8
Hum, your right. I really need to learn how to make a button for my blog site. Have saved simple instructions on how to do it but just haven’t taken the time to even read the instructions to see if I’ve got a clue.
The felted purse and lacy scarf look great. The baby kimono is brillent!
I’m guilty of lurking too – so I figured I should probably leave a comment!! (See what guilt can do??) Cool idea to have your avatar change outfits according to the time of day – I’m so impressed you can write a script to do that!!! The baby kimono is so cute!! And the scarf – so delicate and pretty!! What yarn did you use?