Bumming about Secret Pal 7
I have been browsing the other Secret Pal 7 blogs, and am getting a little down about my chosen person. She has yet to post about my package from last week, and I can proudly say that it was a big one. I sent her 3 hanks (1 already with an inside-out ball) of Catalina’s Bulky Alpaca in the terracotta colorway, 2 skeins of Lang Jacquard, 3 skeins of Patons to make something for her kids and husband, and lots of other food goodies, needles, and notions with a large card completely filled with my jabberings on how I am glad I have her.
Am I wrong for being jealous of seeing the gushing of others? Â
wow, sounds like you really spoiled her. maybe she’s really busy? do you know for sure she got it? maybe you could leave her an anonymous comment on her blog inquiring about your package, which will then (hopefully) prompt her to post about it?
Oh, that is such a bummer about your SP7. Part of the fun is reading about their enjoyment! Your package sounds GREAT.