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If there is one thing I love, it is running around any yarn-fiber event. The busy time at TNNA was both exciting and fun, and I am grateful to all that met up with me. With Knitters Connection right afterward, I had the chance to take a class on a pattern that has been confusing me since I first read about it.
Bunny-sized Tomten
What you see is a miniature version of Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Tomten, which I learned how to make in Franklin Habit‘s (of the infamous “The Panopticon” blog) class. Now that I understand how to make it, I will be sending this first one back to the charismatic @Ron of Buffalo Gold as one of his samples after machine washing and drying it. It was modeled at one point by a very angry bunny, my Mischievous Julius. The second bunny-sized jacket will be a tad bigger than of Franklin’s original number. (Sorry, but you have to take his class to find out his version of the jacket’s specifications!) Hopefully this Tomten will be more roomy and will fit Rufus too.
Julius Modeling the Tomten
Oh! Please forgive me in forgetting my manners. There is a new family member in the house thanks to Christina (aka RabbitRescuer in Ravelry). May I introduce Rufus the Rough. This big lug (his size is almost twice that of Jules!) has earned that title because he is extremely shy and very wary of human contact. He also is a food pellet FIEND and it took me a bit to get him to eat romaine and cranberries. At least he loves carrots, so that is a good sign. Jules and I are still working on his timorous nature. It will take time but will be worth it in the end to see him come out of his shell. And yes I still miss my boy Caesar.
Rufus the Rough
As for love of food, lately I have been making some pretty flavor and time intensive meals. Before I left for TNNA, I made my lasagna and had so much leftover I gave it to my buddy V to finish. While in Columbus, I ate so much Jeni’s Ice Creams that I could not photograph each of the trios I put together. I did however bring back a few pints. So I leave you with a few shots of the trios and what I dined on the other night… Hope you get around to trying out the ice cream if not in Columbus at least in one of the shops who sell the pints! And no, I am not paid to talk about @JenisIceCreams. I personally love the wholesome goodness of what Jeni stands for in her products. =:8
Pistachio & Honey, Mango Lassi, Dark ChocolatePaddingMango Lassi, Lemon Blueberry, & Rhubarb RosePaddingGoat Cheese with Roasted Red Cherries on top of Strawberry Buttermilk
Goat Cheese with Roasted Red Cherries for dinner

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  1. Where is the “like” button when I need it! 🙂 This post is chock full of goodness! 🙂

    Julius looks absolutely adorable in his new sweater. Kudos! 🙂

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