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NASCAR Knitting

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Last year, Rich took me to a NASCAR race in Loudon, NH. Skeptical, I went knowing that the drive would mean great knitting time. I cast on and finished a pair of worsted weight cabled socks using Classic Elite Inca Marl Alpaca which reminded me of a checkered flag. I do not remember how I made them because they were “off the cuff” so to speak. BUT, I do remember that they were top-down and knit 2-at-once.
Checkered Flag Top-down socks
This year, I was looking forward to going to see a race. Luckily, Rich’s co-worker decided not to go and again offered up his tickets to Rich and me. Snatching them up, we planned our trip in anticipation. My anticipation was due to trying to figure out what to eat and to knit. Rich’s anticipation was to make sure we could carry everything without having to use the bulky cooler from last year.
Where we parked at the high schoolpaddingDrying the Track
The drive up was not so fun because the rain poured down on us like a hurricane. Rich kept reminding me that the more it rained during the drive, the less chance the race would be called off. Not believing him, I imagined that as soon as we arrived to the New Hampshire Motor Speedway (NHMS), an announcement would be made saying the race was being rescheduled for Monday. Fortunately my pessimism was for naught. By the time we arrived at the Montgomery County High School, the skies stopped their weeping. We joined all the other riders and climbed into our police-escorted buses and were sent along our merry way to NHMS. I knitted my Secret Pal’s socks the entire time from the drive in RI and only stopped when I needed.
Wandering aroundpaddingThe UPS Racing TruckpaddingThe UPS Racing Truck and TrailerpaddingThe Pace Cars

Our arrival to NHMS was timely. The race was only delayed so that the track could be dried. During our wanderings around the souvenir trailers, we stopped to get something to eat and drink. Finding a table that did not drip directly on myself, I continued working on my Secret Pal’s socks. I even made Rich take my photograph while doing so, humidity-flattened hair and all! 🙂

Smiling for the CamerapaddingConcentrating on the Socks

AnticipationpaddingTony just a blurpaddingTotal Party RVpaddingTony in the Pack

Ironically there is not much to really discuss on what happened that is worthy of being written. I kept taking photos of the pit crews because I thought it was neat how they were vigilant and always ready to pounce in front of a moving car’s path to work on it. Biffle did win the race, but I will let all the photos do the talking! =:8

Tony's Pit CrewpaddingKenny's Pit CrewpaddingKyle's Pit CrewpaddingBiffle doin' the smoke

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  1. I have season tickets to this race. LOVE IT! and was please with the winner.
    DH came this year and drove up & back which left me to knit. We park close to the track and I knit until the rain stopped. I didn’t get a FO that day but still had a great time.
    I’ve learned not to bring knitting with as I can’t watch the track, listen to the radio traffic and stand up whilst holding sharp pointy objects in my hands.
    I did get a pair of socks done between the Kansas and ‘Daga. I used the next to last skein of Mind’s Eye sock club yarn and my generic toe up 2 socks magic loop pattern.
    I’ll be missing Martinsville as I will be at Rhinebeck for the day but have a call into Dad who will give me the highlights.
    Now I have to go plan my bus knitting!

  2. The race loks like a blast. The boy and I were talking about getting tickets to go to Taladega one of these years. I asked him if I could bring my knitting and his response was “tickets are like $90 a piece!” 🙂 I guess I will have to work on him. I mean criminey I can watch the cars circle the track and knit at the same time. It’s not like a horse race where it’s over in 2 minutes. 🙂

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