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Family, Friendship, Food, and Football

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This past holiday weekend was full of a different sort of F-bomb, the kinds that are enjoyed by many (I heard that there are, *GASP*, folks who dislike this wonderful game). Nothing is better than spending time with them, and proof of that consists of the happy memories in my head. Another “F” is going to be said now — FINALLY. I gave up trying to find the photos I took with the old Sony, and re-shot the goodies from one of the fabulous Knit Goddesses, Debbi, who is known as Cockeyed in Ravelry. I had been trying to write a post just on her special package for the Ravelry Scarf Exchange and am happy it is DONE! 🙂 Her delightful package came from Oregon — a state that I very much want to visit. Besides Debbi, my mysterious Sock Monkey and my cousin Ray live there. She lives in Portland while Ray lives in Sunriver.
A bit of a buzz...A very cool bit of rabbit gearTreats for everyone!
The first bit of goodies are well-thought of to match me. I have a 2008 rabbit calendar, a sweet ceramic rabbit figurine with moving arms and legs, a bar of my favorite Toblerone, and treats for my furry children. Did you click on the larger photo yet? Are they not SO COOOOL?!!
The Pretties
The next part of the package is, in my humble opinion, oversizedly generous. I like to think that Debbi’s heart is the same way, because of the size they are.
Pieces of bluePutting the blue togetherLuscious BMFA Bambu
The enormous steeping teacup is awesome! I love how the pieces fit together like a glove. Who said that practicality had to be ugly? The clean lines are smooth and warm. To balance the simple glow of the steeping teacup, Debbi sent me something a bit unexpected — 2 skeins of BMFA Bambu in Scaponia. A while back, I noticed that she had marked her single skein in Ravelry as “For Sale or Trade” so I inquired about it. She replied by asking if it would be okay to include it in my package (this was not a secret swap). Not thinking much else about it, I agreed. I never expected to get 2 skeins!! WOW. 🙂
My Cockeyed Scarf
The lace scarf she made for me is breathtakingly gorgeous. She knitted the Brooke’s Column of Leaves Knitted Scarf Pattern in (get this!!) the Cockeyed colorway of Socks That Rock!! If you have not read her blog yet, she is at Blue Moon Fiber Arts. I absolutely love wearing this scarf because its size is perfect in the office. Whew. That took long enough to write. Next post? More packages — Jette’s goodies from the Fano Festival, and a special birthday package from my Secret Pal. Now one last photo before I close… It is a gift from Sarah, aka “swroot” on Ravelry. I had favorited it once before, and she sent it to me because of the work I have done in Ravelry! Now I am searching for the perfect pattern to make with it. Be sure to stay warm from the snow this weekend everybunny! =:8
Wollmeise from Sarah

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  1. Sounds amazing!!! Debbi is amazing!!! I can’t see the pics unfortunately….sigh….Flickr is blocked here. Darn it!

  2. Yea! your back. Been getting a little worried about you. Super nice gifts you got there girlie.

    BIRTHDAY???? Holy Crickey, I didn’t know it was around your birthday!!!! Happy Early/Late Birthday.

  3. WOW! That scarf is beautiful and I am coveting that yarn!

    Check out my blog. I posted a link to a really cute bunny game on the net that you would love.

    Jenni and Gretchen Bun

  4. Ooh, that lace scarf is beautiful! And I was in Borders the other day thinking about getting that Rabbits calendar. They were almost all dwarves or babies or something. But they were all still really cute.

  5. Those are some great packages! My hubby actually prefers to watch “real football” (soccer to us Yanks), but also keeps up with NFL to a lesser degree (he thinks the games are too long and there are too many ads).

    That scarf is beautiful! It looks delicate, yet warm, perfect for New England.

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