
I’m Dreaming, of a White… Bunny!

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A reminder to me, need to show my support and spread the word on Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue’s “I’m Dreaming of a White Bunny” adoption campaign.
Sweet Binks Annual Adopt a White Rabbit Campaign

Lots of folks seem put off by albino rabbits. Little do people know is how intelligent and amazingly hilarious these white bunnies can be. I can readily attest to that fact with our 2 inhouse clowns, Hayley and Caesar.
Caesar waiting for food
Caesar is our chubby (Feed me, I’m STARVING!! Really, I am!) helicoptered ham, while regal-looking Hayley always looks like the perfect Easter bunny model (I am bea-U-tiful, so pet me please!).

Hayley posing without knowing she is a model

Both never cease to make Rich and I laugh with their antics of bouncing around between the dining room and the allotted space in the living room for us humans.
Who would ever thought my husband and I would be sharing a home with our house-rabbits?
By the way, a REALLY cute link using rabbits in advertising: Telus Mobile. =:8

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  1. awww!!! i had an albino bunny when i was in preschool. his name was jay-jay. he was so smart, he figured out how to get out of his cage…though it might’ve been that we didn’t lock it well enough. anyway, he hopped away and was devoured by our neighbor’s dog. how sad it was for a preschooler like me to be exposed to death like that :*( but i hope people jump on this bandwagon. i’ve got as many as four doggies in the house sometimes, so i don’t think we can have a bunny.

  2. Bunnys are so cute until you shine light into their eyes and they turn evil.

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