Never Fear, Pals Are Here!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I cannot help but repeat those words over and over to everyone for all the wonderful messages sent this past week. Daddy is walking, talking, and moving like his old self except that he tires more easily now. He still has no problem voicing his opinion, so at least his wits are about him. Mother thinks he will outlive us all.
While I was away, I received a number of packages again. Note the boxes at the bottom… One of them is a very special one. Especially when I recognized the sender’s address from Charlotte, NC. The talented Aimee from “Fairie Knits” was my Ravelry Helpers Birthday Fairie! Not sure if anybunny remembers, but Aimee and I share the same birthday of November 25th. Last year, we found out that info just before our special day and did our own swap of goodies. This past May, we crashed with the other Helpers at Suzanne‘s (of “Knitting Obsession“) during Maryland Sheep and Wool weekend. With excitement I opened the box, and here is what I saw.
Hmmm. Which one to start unwrapping first? I decided to start from my top right, go to the bottom, come back up to the opening of the box, go to the bottom, repeat. The entire time I cooed, squealed, awed, and giggled when I unwrapped these beauties.
Those stitchmarkers? She made them! See the crocheted headband? Aimee made that with her first handspun. The cuddly soft bunny? Aimee learned how to crochet so she could make him for me! Those bunny print sachets? She filled them with a secret lavender blend. I was ready to open the item that she said was going make me giggle at her expense.
I opened the black paper and became confused. Why would I giggle at this project basket made out of the same cute bunny fabric? The sack is adorable and the inside only needs a little tweaking. Aimee even included a little pocket. In my head, I pictured various contrasting colors to use as the lining bottom and straps. Giddy from the potential FO, I unwrapped the last item. The soft merino has subtle variations of color changes. Gorgeous! Thank you Aimee for the lovely goodies.
The other day, I received another box in the mail with no name in the return address. “Wisconsin? I do not think I bought anything from there recently.” The only folks I know from that state live in Rhode Island, and I have yet to order directly from Blackberry Ridge. I then looked closely again and shrieked. My SP!! My SP sent me a goody package. I quickly ripped into the box, and opened the card and each individual item. All I will say is that my SP just ROCKS!
Here I am in the first layer of goodies, and am loving them. I first unwrapped the tin of Sweetriot and squealed. I remember when I first read about the Sweetriot team members and how they toured all over the place to promote their chocolate-covered cacao nibs. I followed their blog and even commented a few times in the hopes of getting to meet them. Now I had a tin of the deliciousness of my own.
The next two items in this layer were delicious skeins of yarn. The softness of the Lisa Souza Sock Merino! yarn is incredibly matched with the glossy “Wild Things” colorway (my favorite one of hers). In contrast by tweedy color and rich texture, the Blackberry Ridge laceweight’s silk/wool blend begs to be made into a delicate shawl. I kept putting that skein against my cheek and neck hoping it would tell me which pattern it wanted to be. I think I have one in mind, but it will be a secret surprise.
Going deeper into the package, I started with the black organza pouch on the right. It was holding a numbered row counter for me. Total coolness!! Next, I unwrapped the blue paper’s hidden gem, and it was a bar of Vosges. I have always loved combining flavors and the unusual mixtures in these confections make my tongue dance. Lastly I opened the black paper, and giggled again. I was hoping to get more of these awesome Tetris-shaped magnets after getting some. I want to have them in my cubicle for work. Playing with the shapes as a stress relief is quite relaxing. Big thanks to my Secret Pal with lots of hugs!
Ah, and it is now Secret Pal 12 Question time. Here is Shelby‘s latest for us to answer.
Boy, time flies. Summer is when many of us head out on vacation/holiday. So, this week’s question/s has us wondering:
1) Where is your favorite place to go for vacation/holiday?
2) Where is one place you’d like to go?
Now that I have Daddy’s situation, I think anywhere I can be with my family would be a favorite place. Currently my parents plan on going to the Bahamas this October, but the holiday overlaps Rhinebeck and I already have paid reservations in place. This Christmas, I might splurge and rent a beach house like I did years ago when I was making “serious money” at my job. It all depends on what happens in the next few months. As for where I would like to go, can I say EVERYWHERE? I would love to go back to Denmark and attend their Sheep and Wool festival in September, run over the dunes of Capetown to surf the waves on a noserider, swim in the Azores, shop in Milan, walk the streets of Cologne, and hike in the Alaskan wilderness. And if I can pop into Japan for sashimi, count me in!! =:8
I am so there with you in Japan. Just give me a call when you are headed there next ok?
Yay for presents. I am glad to hear your dad is feeling a little better.
wowza! You’ve been popular with the packages:) Glad you hear your dad is better ((hugs))
Holy Cow that was some loot you got! Glad your Daddy is doing so well.
Hey, did my package ever arrive? I’ve been worrying about it since I sent it.
*hugs* nice to have you back!!
I am glad you liked everything – though if you mean a complete overhaul and rip apart by a little tweaking then go for it – I was doing great on that until I had to put in the bottom and then it was OVER. It is so sad – I had figured out the lining and the pocket and then the bottom beat me!!!!
I had such a good time putting this together for you! You are hard to buy yarn for since you have such a huge stash and we had such a small budget – but I wanted you to have special things because you are awesome and my birthday twin!!!!!
What a great way to return from such stress! I hope your Daddy continues to do well and you have a great time with all those goodies, or traveling or both!
WOW! Such exciting packages. I glad to hear that your dad is improving.
My blog is acting up…the comments feature isn’t working right now and you may have to re-subscribe to the feed. It is a hosting problem. Blech!
Glad to hear your dad is doing better! My mother suffers from the same thing. You have such wonderful friends and SP’s! You have such a kind spirit on your blog and you deserve lovely mail!…now, if you would only remind me where that lace book was from that you wanted, we could increase your mail volume, LOL!