
Tiny Things in this Work

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First and foremost, before I discuss anything else, I must share this pair of sparkling sandals that caught my eye at Manolo’s blog a while back.

Okay, I feel better now. No idea why those little things keep screaming at me to buy them. Yes, the straps are skinny, the shanks fragile, and the heels undeniably pointy. Yet they beckon to me like the Sirens who called Ulysses. Unfortunately, the chances of them belonging to me are pretty slim to none at the moment. Must… Ignore… Blinding sparkles!! Yarn, bunnies, and books — please rescue me with your distractions!

This new year has been kicking me in the rear end. I am doing my best to make lunch for work, to walk a mile or to run two miles, to do more household “to-do” chores before knitting or reading, and not to eat out so much or not to snack on chocolate. Meanwhile, I have managed to destash some yarn, and hope to unload more fiber via projects and destashing. The new resolutions have taken me from Blogging, which I guess is a good thing. Thanks to Jocelyne, I now have an intimidating graph of my goals from the “Joe’s Goals” website.

A hidden reward is the photographing of things discovered during my walks. I have some photos to show from this past Friday and Saturday to check out.

Along with the scenic eye candy, there is fiber eye candy too. Here are two Red Scarves sent off to the Orphan Foundation of America.

The Dulaan Project also is getting a number of hats and a couple of adult-sized helmetliners.

Until next post’s discussion of the latest Bunnies up for adoption at PetSmart, please take care, and be mindful of the beauty within and around us all. =:8

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  1. Um…may I suggest that they’re just a trifle OVER THE TOP GIRLY? Might that be why?

    However, in 10 years, if you wear those shoes…your feet, ankles, knees, and back will pay you back in aches and pains and knots (as in bunions).
    I promise. (I still have the black stilletos I used to wear…haven’t worn them in ages and ages and had to be supported when I DID wear them! lololol!)
    Ok. Maybe 20 years.
    It’s NOT worth it! (But WOW!)

  2. Those shoes are FABULOUS!!!!!

    Buy them!!!

    Forget about new years resolutions. they don’t work. Just buy more yarn and eat out more. All is good.

    You can also ask me to knit something for you, I still don’t know what to do with the bamboo you gave me. You’re such a sweetie.

    Well, resolution or not, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  3. I need one of those large knitted hats! I wear my hair braided and it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a hat large enough to cover it! I am sure I could not do it myself…Forget those shoes! As a former Steve Madden girl with bunions the size of Texas, a replaced knee and an ingrown toe nail…My feet are the most important thing in my life right now…if they ain’t happy, NO body is!

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