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Gratefully, Thankfully, Sated (for now)

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Here is one of the hometown foods I was craving — the Trash Can Lid nachos at O’Sullivan’s Wharf. I took a snapshot with BIL’s hand in the photo for scale. Click on the picture if you want to see how much (more like how little) of a dent we put in it!

Thanks and big hugs to all of you for my birthday wishes! Admittedly, the whole week was tame to my past birthdays eons ago, but I thoroughly enjoyed the tranquility and slower pace. Because we only have my income to live on, the manicure and pedicure were a special treat. The last time I had done that was when my grandmother passed away in June 2005, and even then my cousins and sister paid for mine because Rich was out of work and I had used up whatever funds I could find to pay for my plane ticket. I find it comforting that even without lots of fanfare, the simple personal treats from my family and friends were far better than outlandish trinkets one could get. Oh and please note some of the missing items are due to being (a-hem) consumed. I also received awesomely made gifts from Dorothy and Shalyn.

Here are the boxes of tea which are now in the tea chest

Chocolate… (Yes, the Droste are missing along with a LOT of the Sweenor’s)

And of course, the WINE (minus the bottle we drank last night)!!

Oh, and because my friends knew better than to get me yarn, I received a cool mini knitting book. Along with my WIPs, this little baby kept me company during my layovers in the airport because I did not see any new knitting reading materials ANYWHERE!

While I was away with my family, a bulging package arrived from Australia. I had done a “Tea, Chocolate, Sock Yarn” swap with Jessica of “Jess, Chocolate, and Knitting” and as soon as my luggage was brought into the house on Sunday, I read her letter and tore into the box. Oh MY! Check out these packed goodies!

The sock yarn is so beautiful. I love how the colors blend into each other. This hank will become Abby’s Christmas present. Jaywalkers are calling her name.

The tea looks so yummy. I am definitely bringing this all to work.

And the chocolate, oh the chocolate!

Thank you so much Jessica! She had sent me items that were native to Australia, and I had sent her items that I knew were from the USA. Though I found out later that the 2 Green and Black’s bars I sent are distributed from California but actually originated in the UK. (Sigh) I think I may have to send over more chocolate to make up for those British ones. 😉 What do you think? More Edit: For some strange reason, my Schaeffer’s Fetching kept disappearing alternately with the text about the Green and Black’s chocolate. I have NO IDEA what is going on. Goblins, maybe? =:8

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  1. Looks like you got a lot of nice gifts. Gifts from the heart are better than any extravagent gift you can buy. Great package. The yarn is beautiful!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wow, those Trash Can Lid Nachos are the biggest appetizer I’ve ever seen!!! Did anyone actually eat any?? (I know you did, but you really can’t tell from the picture!!) Hurray for the great gifties you got!! The mini knitting book is adorable. The Australian package looks delightful too – the sock yarn is so yummy!!

  3. What great presents! Especially all that chocolate – I wonder how long it will last? In case you haven’t had the Smoking Loon before, read the cork!

    Glad to hear that Fetching has it’s thumbs, cause mine are still missing one.

  4. It sounds like you had a fabulous birthday! Who needs more stuff to fill up the house when you can have good times with great friends, great food, and gorgeous yarn!

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