Happy Holidays Mean “Eat, Eat, Eat!!”
Hope all of you have been able to relax and enjoy your holiday. For me, I ended up updating a spreadsheet for work while Rich drove, and then drove the rest of the way for my half (well, it was more like 45%). Anyway, I did make SOME headway on WIPs and FPs. I finished my red and brown Fuzzy Feet (forgot to take a photo, though), Anita’s fingerless wristwarming gloves, my future nephew Simon’s Ugg booties (without the trim down the side so it was not “girlie looking”), and created 2 more fingerless glove patterns. So far, I only have one of them written down, but I did receive a very cool mini “knit” book (play on the word “notebook”) to jot everything down from yarn, needles, techiniques, etc., for my little wandering mind. I promise to get photos of what I can soon!
Plus, I have good news on the horrible dizzy spells which have plagued me for over the past 2 weeks. Two weeks ago, I had to call in sick and had attempted to work from home due to horrible sinus issues. Interestingly enough, someone in the office must not have believed me, because I was asked to get a note from my doctor’s office about the phone call I made to them asking for advice. Now, I discovered after talking to the medical folks in my family that I probably had a sinus infection that is now in my ear. BRO-THER!! That’s all I need to tell the nice sticklers at work. But then my medical family also asked me if I wanted to keep my hearing and/or land in a hospital. Guess I better schedule an appointment this week. 🙁
Meanwhile, I am not sure about your family, but my sister threw quite a feast while Rich and I stayed at her home. She and my BIL Lew spoiled us rotten with food from Bagels ‘n’ More and waffles, big giant pizzas, and of course the Christmas dinner we had today. I ate so much, I really will HAVE to stick to whatever resolution I make next week. I am thinking that walking during lunch or after work. I am leaning towards during lunch so I can rope others with me. 🙂
Hey Kimberly,
Thanks for visiting my blog. Please post your brown fuzzy feet! I want to see them. Need motivation since I’ve only got 1 and 1/4 of fuzzy feet done and have put them down. Oh, and start your Clappy so I can have a partner!
Hope your feeling better and I can’t believe they made you get a Dr’s note from the phone call. Geeze, where do you work?