Making Eggs – Part 1
When I drove into Blacksburg on October 31st, it was not to play in the holiday festivities. I was coming into town to seek new opportunities and investigate what I had to do in order to go back to school. Due to financial circumstances, I did not bring the Boys as expected. Doing so was a smart idea since I was going into an unseen apartment on blind faith. Richie and I both figured the move would be temporary, so why chance it with the Boys?
Meanwhile, as I am settling in the new digs, I figured that I should test out another theory inspired by my friend Erin (aka LittleWit on Ravelry) of the “Half Acre Goods” blog. In the movie “Runaway Bride” starring Julia Roberts as the leading lady, is Maggie, a woman who is known to get cold feet on her wedding day. Richard Gere, as the reporter Ike re-covering her story after writing one based on false impressions, is the antagonistic leading man. At some point of the movie, Maggie is asked the question how she likes her eggs. It turns out that she has no idea because she always chose whatever way her fiances ate them. In other words, she has never found herself and known what she truly wants. That is the situation I recently discovered. I have always hated eggs (Richie will vouch for this fact). It took me years to tolerate eating them (one egg scrambled wet with 8 ounces of cheese) and I had no idea how I truly liked my eggs, myself, and my life.
So when I drove in the other night and stopped at the grocery store, I picked up a dozen eggs for experimentation. I already knew that I liked both Greek/Mediterranean omelets (feta, spinach, tomatoes, and olives with sliced up bacon) and my twisted version of Spanish eggs (scrambled wet with cheese, tomatoes, garlic, bacon, and sauteed onions). Both omelets however are ingredient-heavy and would be more fun to make with another person, not when I am living alone. Now I am willing to try new recipes. Currently I have added to the list:
- Swedish egg pastries: Put phyllo or pastry dough at each cup bottom of a sprayed mini-muffin tin, crack a whole egg into the cups, sprinkle with Swiss cheese and pepper, then bake.
- Old Bay Hard-boiled: Place 2-4 eggs in boiling water for 5 minutes, turn off the burner and leave the eggs for another 3 minutes, crack open and serve with Old Bay seasoning. (Completely accidental because I only had celery salt and white pepper at the time, and spied the Old Bay.)
With my search on discovering eggs, I am slowly discovering myself. I will be shaping my place to what I envision and not to another person’s expectations. For those reading, be advised that I may be posting entries on my latest egg experiments. It should go without asking, what are YOUR favorite egg recipes? =:8
I am glad that you are taking some time for yourself. As for my favorite egg recipes? Angel Food cake or Lemon Meringue pie. I can’t eat eggs straight, it doesn’t agree with my body 😛