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Furry Butts Fursday

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Many thanks to DKM for sending this message to me. I just love the idea.

Dear BunFriends,
As you are all aware the rabbit blogosphere was severely saddened by the unfortunate passing of Hans. No one can be sadder than his mom, the highly esteemed Furry Butts. I propose to fill her aching heart with the all powerful bunny love bomb.

What: Mass surprise for Furry Butts with her favorite thing-photos of FURRY BUNNY BUTTS (big fun for all!)

When: this coming Thursday, July 30th, 2009

What: All participants, (and I understand if you can’t for any reason) post their blog with the title ” Furry Butts Fursday” and have as the photo (s) pictures of your rabbit’s furry butt.

Who: Anyone with a bunny blog or with furry bunny butts photos can participate.

Other: Please feel free to pass this on to anyone except FurryButts. In fact please do, I don’t seem to have Emails for a quite a few bun folks who I think would like to join in…….

If you have any questions or would like clarification, please write back!

All Best to Everyone and Everybun,
The Spots
and Amelia too

Nothing is ever as devastating as when someone you love dies in your arms. It happened with me when Hayley turned unexpectedly for the worst, and the last thing I remember were my screams that begged her not to leave me. As I tearfully re-live those last few minutes with her, in my remembrance and understanding, here is my entry for Hans. Please note that not all the photos are from my kiddos. The first is a photo that Shalyn shared with me when she adopted Lady Beastie from Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue. A lucky shot of Sven was made during one of the SBRR Education seminars that he loves to participate in with his mom, the awesome Ellen. The others are the Sweet Binks rabbits that I photographed during the Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue socialization sessions I volunteered to do once a week.
Shalyn's photo of Lady Beastie at Shalyn'spaddingHayley Girl and Caesar Bun having funpaddingZy showing his feetpaddingDa Boyz not fighting (yay!!)
Caesar taking a break from eatingpaddingCharlene not standing still!paddingOverhead view of a happy girlpaddingJulius under the tree - 01
Julius under the tree - 04paddingSven listening to the SeminarpaddingLittle Hotot girl checking under the doorpaddingBailey and Bingo
DerekpaddingDerekpaddingpaddingKiki hiding behind Cocoa
Our 2 Bunlovers

To Hans’ mother and the warren he left behind,
*bunny hugs*

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  1. I lost my Elias over a year ago. I have not recovered. I don’t expect to ever recover. But that’s ok. I had a dream about her a few weeks ago. In my dream I had to hold her the whole time…it was awesome…she stayed still in my arms…we were walking through so many stores. It was nice to feel her weight in my arms again.
    One of the hardest things I have ever done was leave her at my Vet’s office, when she was gone. My vet was so sweet and assured me that she would “take care of her”…my girl. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done to drive away that day.

  2. It truly was devastating when Hans left, it was so unexpected and he was so young. But now, looking back, I’m glad it happened when we were there with him. We held him till the very last moment and even after that. I would have hated it if he had passed when he was alone.

    Thank you for the lovely photos and tribute to Hans. I’m so touched by this collective effort. You guys are the best!

  3. SQUEE!! Thanks for joining in! Great collage and I especially love the brown and white dutchie as dutchies are my favorite!

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