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Family Comes First

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To everybunny that has been commenting here, huge bunny hugs of thanks from the bottom of my little heart. One of my summer resolutions is to answer each and every comment, and I will do my best to answer all of them since the postings in April. If I have not responded right away, I offer up my sincerest apologies. The comments are a big compliment, and I am deeply flattered that folks like to read my crazy musings when there are many others out in Blogland. 🙂
Driving on I-90 in Massachusetts
I really wanted to write about Saturday’s fun at WEBS with Carol first, but a little something has come up that requires me to go back home to Virginia Beach. I most likely will be off-line, so if anybunny needs to contact me, just either comment here or use my “contact me” page. Either way, I will get an email and the messages will be received by this weekend.
The Scenic View en Route to WEBS
Now for the little bit of fun, how about a couple of photos from Saturday at WEBS? Carol Sulcoski and her son “Elvis” are very nice folks. She even was a good sport about posing with the Killer “Caesar” Rabbit WIP. I had run into them at the warehouse earlier that day when I was hoping to find more skeins of Classic Elite Allure, but no such luck. However I did manage to get 3 bags more of the Julia in Delphinium (#3983), 4 skeins of Kauni, and 6 skeins of LLSW in my beloved Pilsen. (Sigh) That makes a total of 40 skeins of Delphinium (in Jedi voice “The other colorways are not in Kimberly’s stash.”), “I lost count” of Kauni, and 15 skeins of Pilsen (the Jedi voice repeats about those other colorways). I really MUST be an addict!
Elvis and CarolpaddingCarol with Killer Caesar
There is some news of knitting progress. I finally finished the birthday Clapotis, a pair of Fetching for the Ravelry Helpers Birthday Swap (which I forgot to photograph), and worked on the 3rd pair of Lacey Cable Socks. Originally I was going to make these for me, then I read that my SP12 Spoilee would love a pair of lacy socks. Not only that, the colorway is one of her favorites. How is that for motivation? =:8
Killer Caesar RabbitpaddingCourtney's Birthday Clapotis at YarniapaddingLacey Cable Knee Socks, Take 3paddingClose up!!

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  1. I have been thinking about you and often wonder why we do not keep in better touch. If there is ANYthing you desire or lust for from Europe, let me know! I am SO in yuor debt I cannot wait for you to ask me for something…lol!

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