
Swapping Can Be Tiring

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My weekend was a nice long 3-day one thanks to the state of Rhode Island for celebrating Victory Day. I dislike what the holiday is about, but I am not going to ignore a day off!

Thursday was not a good night for me, since my sinuses ended up feeling ill thanks to the ever changing weather. But Friday greeted me in the afternoon with a fabulous package.

I knew the package was going to be fabulous because it was from Oregon — where my Sockapalooza 4 Spoiler is. My heart began pounding and it was all I could do to contain my excitement. Rich asked, “Don’t you want to wait until tomorrow to open it for pictures?” My answer was, “Sure, but I want to open it NOW.” While watching the O’s game, I held the box in my lap debating on whether to open it or not. I decided that if Sock Monkey took all that time to make socks for me, then I should check them out to ensure they (ahem) fit. So open the box I did…

Holy smokes! The box was heavy, yes, but I was not expecting all of this generous goodness. A pretty royal blue fabric with all sorts of tea helped the contents from moving and offered a perfect way to “seal” the box. Underneath was an awesome Starbucks mug for the city of Portland. (I really must find a way to go visit my cousin in Sunriver and Sock Monkey!) The Oregon Soap Company‘s soap in Forest is divine; I cannot stop smelling it. The Moonstruck Chocolatier box’s contents have been greedily devoured. The PearBars and Dagoba Dark Chocolate/Lavender bar also have been eaten and I am going to get more! The box of Tazo Green Tea was snatched up and quickly put into the tea cupboard. There was no way I was going to bring that one to work. Upon closer inspection of the yarn wrapped in blue tissue (remember I already opened the box so no wrappings in the photos!), I gasped. The yarn is BMFA’s STR in Mustang Sally. It is one of the colorways that I have secretly wanted for quite some time but never figured I would get it unless I went to Rhinebeck or MD S&W. Wow! To top off the rest of the contents, were two Sockapalooza bags. I love the brown!! Sock Monkey gave me a great package once again. Still no socks, and I started to think they were hidden in the giant mug. But then there was this card at the bottom of everything.

I was puzzled, and opened the envelope. (Okay, I am waiting for everyone to see this card, so click on the last two links…) I feel so awful for my pal!! Sock Monkey, please do not worry about the socks. Take as much time as needed. I will be happy no matter what. She also provided a cute photo of the future socks going to the docter and wrote her doctor’s stern words on the back of it.

With Sockapalooza 4 ending and SP11 just begun (my questionnaire is HERE), I decided to participate in a couple of one-time only swaps. I have joined four Ravelry-based swaps: Yarn Stash by Kyle, NY Sock Exchange by Invisible Insanity, Summer Camp 2007 by Baseball Knitter, and the Scarf Exchange 2007 by Modern Elegance. I will have more information soon on them because my first swap package arrived on Monday, but I wanted my Sock Monkey to have a post on her own! Until then, I leave you these photos from the Ravelry get together in Sakonnet Purls this past Sunday. I met with CalicoKitty, Sunidesus, LickMySticks (please give her a virtual hug, her kitty Val is sick), and LMS’ pal Kelly for some Sale Shed raiding and knitting love. We all had a fun time, and I took advantage of the swift and giant ball winder to get my gosh-only-knows-how-much-it-is skein of wool fingering weight wound up into a pretty cake. I now present a wedding cake sized goodness of wool fingering weight yarn in its natural glory, and yes that is an empty TP roll in its middle. =:8

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  1. wow!! what a great package!! and I feel bad for Sock Monkey too! I hope her wrist heals up quickly. No knitting. mean ol’ doctors!!

    and please, do tell, what kind of wool is that wedding cake sized cake of fingering weight wool? I may be in need of some good white/off white fingering weight wool before Christmas (I may not. it all depends on what I decide to do, ya know?)

  2. Wow, what a fabu package you got. Poor sock monkey! Makes me hurt just looking at her wrist.

    Um, with all this knitting, swapping and Ravlery going on when do you sleep?

  3. Hmm….I’ve been thinking about that “Mustang Sally” colorway, too? (wonder why? lolol!!!)
    Poor sock pal…I am praying to the knitting gods that she gets lots better fast, and you get your socks. Oh…and may no other knitter be struck with a knitting injury so we have to give up our sticks!

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