Going Solo
I have a Saturday Sky today! But I am was having issues getting it off the camera… For those wondering, the above tilting image happened when I stuck my camera-laden hand through my sunroof to take photos. Work has been hectic. While trying to see about getting ahead in the company, I was told that I needed to find out what the going rates for what a software QA engineer that did my work would be. Not sure how to go about this process as of yet. I am guessing that besides checking online, I need to contact a number of companies and get their salary lists. What puzzles me is that I have basic data center facility knowledge, IT networking, and now Cold Fusion with basic HTML. I test an application that is internet-based with ties into Javascript, Lotus Notes, and Oracle via IBM’s Websphere. When I began my current position, it was made quite obvious that I was not the desired candidate that management wanted. The only reason I was accepted was that the first person chosen for the job realized what enormous tasks would be needed and the salary was not worth the stress.
So over two years ago I began a job that physically secluded me with a team six time zones away. I was left without any solid direction, and as from my old job, I did whatever I had to do to get my projects done. Unfortunately for me, I never found out that what I was doing was wrong until afterwards. Being independent and left alone did not allow me to think and progress. My way of dress and work drive is a bit more businesslike than everyone else’s in Software. Discussing “key decisions” in the heat of an emergency is for those higher in rank to act upon the next day instead of immediately helping the customer. The fact that the friends of mine who are managers in other departments are those that my upper management excludes me to talk to does not help my situation.
Nowadays I dress down with jeans and am slowing down to everyone else’s pace. Slowing my pace has become a definite must, especially when my speedy thoroughness was never considered an effort worthy of rewarding. I have diverted all that effort into the knitting world (remember the Banner for the Today Show and my work in BKOAC?) and Ravelry, and hope we all benefit from it. If it were not for knitting, I would probably quit everything and sink into a corner of sadness. And for those wondering if anyone from work reads my little blog, the answer is no because they could care less about what me and what I do.
When not working, I am mostly on Ravelry. There is so much to talk about, I almost cannot begin out of giddiness. For those not checking Ravelry’s blog as of late, Casey and Jessica have dedicated themselves full-time. This wonderful application should be in every web-savvy knitter’s box of tools. Ravelry contains a way to track projects, stash, patterns, events, and friends. Forums exist to cover all sorts of topics. The databases use tags to help everyone seek out the perfect pattern to go with stashed yarn and vice versa. I do have one particular reason for hanging out in Ravelry. Besides uploading my own stash, I have been helping out Casey and Jessica as one of their yarn/pattern editors. I work exclusively on tidying up what yarn has been entered by all of us (myself included). I admit that becoming an editor began because seeing “Jade Saphire” and multiple “Sea Silk” entries bugged the dickens out of me (QA remember?) and I volunteered to help. Also there has been more participation in some of the forums, because I enjoy seeing what everyone else is doing and thinking in our fiber-filled world.
How about checking out some photos of cute rabbits? I thought everyone would get a kick how Jessica and Zydeco greet me when I come downstairs every morning. I get about the same enthusiasm with the Boyz, but it does not seem as cute. As of late, I discovered that picky Julius goes crazy over dried mango. Other treats he takes gingerly, but the mango? Whoa! He would not stop jumping at my feet.
Last Saturday during WWKIP Day, I celebrated at Sakonnet Purls with Erica and Eileen from the RI Stitches Meetup group. It was Eileen’s first time there, and we stressed that she needed to check out the Sale Shed with all the Debbie Bliss goodies in there. I did some stash enhancement as expected with another ball of Bristol Yarns’ King George, a ball of nubby silk, and a hank of soft buttery Manos. Afterwards Eileen and I headed out to search for a tearoom which Erica had to decline for more hardy food. We did not find one and ended up snacking at a local grill. I cannot recall the restaurant’s name, but it was good.
Tuesday night had some special bunnies at PetSmart. Lindsey, Cassidy, and the duo of Paddy and Nudges let me grace their presence. Lindsey was her funny self as last week. I am just glad she did not fight when I trimmed her nails. From what I understand in the volunteer book’s notes, her nickname is “Spaz” due to her tendency to freak out when handled. Luckily, I must have the “Lead Bunny” aura for most of these kiddos. As for Paddy and Nudges, they dislike interaction with everyone but themselves. I tried playing ball with both but all I was given were sound thumps of disapproval. I left them alone during their “out time” and they were quite happy.
Sweet silent Cassidy tore at my heartstrings quite strongly. He was one of the Flemmish Giant/Mixes that were rescued from a home’s backyard business of raising rabbits for local meat markets. He never stirred when he was in my arms, and would shove his head under my chin and nudge my neck while I held him. I had brought the papaya treats for all of the rabbits, but Cassidy looked so confused and refused to have anything to do with the bits of sweetness. Seeing his reaction to the food almost had me in tears. Putting any treats within reach of my bunch would create happy craziness. I almost brought him home that night. He is by himself without another rabbit for comfort. I really wish he was with us!
Thursday night was shared with the Ocean State Knitters and Crocheters Guild. We all brought in finger foods (from me, chicken wings and fried mashed potato bites) and items to share in a silent raffle. I was unlucky and did not win anything, but I see it as destashing my DB Cotton DK in apricot. Who is the lucky person that won this yummy goodness? Kristen is! We need to cheer because that is less yarn in my stash! I also could not stop ogling Sue’s lace shawl WIP. For this project, she handpainted lavender and lime on grey silk. I am looking forward to seeing her shawl when it is finished.
There are more items to share, and all are knitterly ones. The shawl I cast on June 7th has been slowly progressing, and I received the beautiful stitchmarkers I bought as gifts for future swaps from Kristen‘s Etsy Shop. Recently, my name was drawn among a few others as one of the best pals for Knitters’ Treat Exchange. I received a nice package from Ireland by the gracious hostesses. I also received a fabulous surprise in the mail today, but that will be shown in the next post! =:8
What sweet bunnies! And poor Cassidy! Are you planning to adopt him? Too bad he’s not in Houston. Tid loves everyone, and it sounds like Cassidy needs a friend!
Poor lonely bunny. Just today I reiterated my vow that we will bring nothing more that poops home because I always end up being the poop remover, feeder, medicine giver, etc. while the other members of my household will play with our critters at their own convenience. Anyway, Cassidy’s story makes me wish that I knew enough about bunnies and had more time so that I could adopt one nearby us. You are very wonderful to go and play with and visit all of them. What is that enticing blue bit of knitted lace in the picture? Could that be an unblocked shawl? Is there any chance you will show it to us in the near future? I totally thrive on the beauty of other peoples’ work.
Sorry you are having such a crappy time at work. I’m glad you have the bunnies and knitting to cheer you up:)
Sorry about the work situation. It must be hard to muster up the will to head there each day. I don’t particularly want people from my work reading my blog, preferring to keep my home life separate, so haven’t mentioned it to anyone there. As Carol said, it’s nice you have bunnies and knitting for an outlet.
Thank you for bringing the DB yarn that I was lucky enough to win! I’ve started a DB baby sweater with it.
Looking forward to Sakonnet Purls next week!
I’m glad you have Ravelry (knitting in general) and the bunnies to help get you through.
Hi, I’m sorry to hear that work is so stressful.
Oh man, it breaks my heart to hear you talking about work that way. I hate the thought of you needing to dress down and slow down to meet everyone else’s less productive pace and less professional appearance. I’m so glad you have the knitting world to cheer you along. How great that you are a Raverly helper – all of us knitters certainly appreciate everything you do to help the site along in it’s Beta stage!!
OK I’ve been here often, how could I not know you are a QA Engineer also? I am sorry for your frustration at work right now – believe me I can relate. I moved to GA to take a job with a small company that was then purchased by a company with over 42000 employees — it definitely makes things different, and those aren’t even the most frustrating of my problems! Try and keep your head up and most importantly, be sure not to underestimate what you do or what you’re worth when you give them the numbers. I think we QA folks tend to do that often, and we’re worth far more than we allow ourselves credit for!
What cute bunnies! Those eager little faces must really brighten your day. Work can be a real drain sometimes. But how else will we support our yarn habit if we don’t work?
oh…NO. You have to take Cassidy home…poor baby! YOU understand him.
I’m sure you feel as if you want to take them all…and no one knows better how impossible that is! I’d bring in every kitty that gets left at my vet’s – can you believe people bring them in for “shots” and never come pick them up??? Giving fake information so we can’t contact them?
I know you believe it.
You know, the work you’re doing on Ravelry is fabulous – and I, for one, am grateful that you can put your high energy to work in that respect.
Have got no idea about your job but it is exhausting just reading about it! Make sure you take care of yourself!
I’m sorry your job is so stressful. That sucks.
And poor Cassidy! I hope he figures out that treats are good–soon!!
Gretchen always gives me a shake when she first sees me. It is pretty cute…instead of a tail wag….it’s sorta like a whole bunny wag!
Buns are adorable! I sure love mine!