
Representing a Rockstar (Part 2 Details)

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With still recovering sore feet (Guido, do not say another word! 😛 ) I am continuing on with the fab-U-lous day of March 22nd in NYC. A quick note on the Today Show, Jessica from JessuLu Knits and Spins had mentioned that Meredith is a knitter. Because of that reason and that she also happens to be from Rhode Island, I had brought a pair of Serendipity Needles (made in RI) to give to her. Looking closely at the photo below, the needles are clutched in my hand.

Though I think the next pair of photos are not great due to “eye blinking” syndrome, someone said that it would not be fair to neglect posting them. What I have next are the ladies who joined us not only at the Today Show, but also for Brunching at Whole Foods. A funny note about Chris. She snapped a photo at the olive bar, and was politely asked by the management to stop. My guess is that they did not want potential retail espionage to occur. 😉

To repeat elaborate what I said on Guido’s podcast, I decided to sample the spicy fried crab maki roll accompanied by a fruit bowl of blueberries and pineapple chunks. For those wanting to know why my hot peppers sock bag was in the photo, it goes EVERYWHERE with me. Made by Trek Casts On, like my Clapotis, it is my signature. So after drowning that meal with an energy drink, I was ready for Strawberry Fields. And yes, I shall tease everyone again because that portion deserves its own post! G’night, y’all… =:8

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  1. It’s not a tease, it’s small, slow portions like we’re supposed to eat and chew thoroughly at the same time. Ahem.

    Harlot gave you a link yesterday. Get that post up there!

  2. I don’t see it as teasing us at all. It’s more like letting us savor the whole thing over the next few days. 🙂 Your new blog template looks great.

  3. What a great trip!! I’m soo jealous. I would have given anything to have been there. I was going to say my left arm but not having a left arm makes for tough knitting.
    Thanks for sharing! Oh and I adore your new look-I love the colors and it makes for nice reading. Good choice. Your progress bars are adorable!

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