Stolen by a Scarf, Pirates, Steaks, and Mulligans
I have very BIG “Thank you’s” to everyone for your awesome support and kind thoughts! I hope everyone also had a good weekend. Saturday did make up for my depressing Friday. I knitted Sir John’s scarf from morning until 2PM during Star Trek, and with Sunday’s additional work, all I need to do is picot bind it off and slap slip on the fringe. Here is a quick shot of it, and if you want the full pattern, please comment here and I will see if I can remember what I did. Well, more like remember how I cast on the picot part.
Now for Saturday… Rich and I met up with “The Best Man” (aka “TBM” at our wedding) Jeffrey to see the second “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” movie. The movie was fun and gave me the same “hanging” feeling I had when watching Star Wars Episode 2 and Matrix Reloaded. Still, it was clean and entertaining. Not many movies can do that without being animated and specifically written for children. Sometimes I would rather watch the older movies because of the context their plots carry. After all, I am Grace Kelly.
After the movie, the three of us met Helene and Mikkel for dinner at Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse and to play a round of 18 holes at Mulligan’s Island. I was a bit worried at first because Mikkel wanted to surprise Helene with the night’s festivities. Like me, she hates being surprised and likes to know what is going on. I think I am that way because I like being prepared. Granted, you cannot control everything, but you can control the adjustments.
If you had not noticed yet, I have no Saturday Sky. I was so wrapped up in getting John’s scarf done, that I not only forgot to take a picture as soon as I woke up, but I also forgot to bring my camera to catch some shots at Mulligan’s. Hence, my Sky was stolen by the Quartet of knitting, a movie, food, and mini-golf. To make up for it, I give you a shot of today during the errands I ran at lunch. =:8
Well, even if you lacked a Saturday Sky, at least you had a good Saturday ;o)
The scarf looks great! Glad you had a nice weekend.
I’m glad you had a good weekend and you’re feeling better. Sorry you’ve had such bad swap experiences – unfortunately I think it happens to everyone eventually!
I’m a classic movie buff too.
Oh…to be Grace Kelly…wouldn’t that be something. I love how she pulls her nightie out of that little black purse in Rear Window.
So glad to hear you’re feeling better!!! Love your bunnies! They are absolutely adorable. I love to see them when they’re all stretched out on their bellies. Too cute!