Saturday is for Sky

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Even though it is well into Saturday night, and so much that it is in fact Sunday morning, I present the morning Saturday sky that I saw out of my back yard. Click on the first photo to see what I could barely see through the trees.

Now, I go to bed. It was a very long day in trying to finish knitting something! You will see the details later, I promise! Meanwhile, I leave you with a hint of what I did today. =:8

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  1. Nice red yarn. Your bunnies are all so cute. I hope Jessica is feeling better. Do bunnies actually play with toys?

  2. Pretty yarn! Where did it come from? How did it get to be that color? DETAILS, woman! ;o)

    Oh, and I hope bunny is feeling better…

  3. Like your Rhode Island sky there! Good idea and I just might try doing it too though rest of July would be sky on the road pics.

    That reddish yarn looks yummy. Soooo did you spin it or go yarn hunting?

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