Yarn Goodness!
Today is April 1st, which means that I start my diet on the Stashalong. I was worried on how little will-power I would have during the 2-month fast, but I learned that one of the benefits from pledging 2 or more months is that you are allowed 1 day each month to purchase yarn. The second question I had answered is that gifted yarn does not count against your diet, and the third question which had me worried is if trading in yarn (whether in bartering or payment) is against the rules. But it looks like I am covered, so I am ready to start and I have projects to help wean me from my stash. Speaking of stash, here’s my Flash your Stash pic…
Below on the bunny pillow are the hanks of the yarn Jette sent with Henrik and Lars to bring me from Denmark.
Today I also received my final package from my secret pal. Martha from Random Thoughts sent a nice huge Toblerone bar (woo-hoo!), a really cool bath ball (label states Coconut Ice), 2 Yankee Candles (French Vanilla and Sheer Gardenia, mmmm), and 2 balls of Artful Yarns Broadway. Here is an interesting spin on the yarn. I always thought the beading and mohair striping looked great together and wanted to try it out after seeing it in some scarves. I now have a chance to design something with it! Thank you so much, Martha! As we say at my job, “You da WOMAN ’cause you ROCK!” Can you tell that I have worked with my Sales team before?
Of course since yesterday was my last day to buy yarn, I did so sparingly and only according to the special projects listed in my mind. At Knit 1 Purl 2, I bought 7 skeins of Plymouth Encore in the black and cranberry for a cardigan to knit Rick Concannon, our jeweler. Here is an example about how he has always been wonderfully helpful, and absolutely loves his customers as if we were family. Rick considers himself a “rock hound” and if asked, will eagerly go to his storeroom and bring out the watermelon tourmalines and spider embedded amber that he will be smithing into custom pieces. Because of him, we discovered Galatea, one of my favorite vendors. If you ever see what this artist does with jewelry, you would be amazed.
Now that April has arrived, Project Spectrum states that orange and yellow are THE colors of the month. Also, since I am participating in the postcard swap, I better get mine ready to send off to “Z” at Matzah and Marinara. Meanwhile, I will be knitting up a lace scarf with Cherry Tree Hill’s newest colorway, Sugar Maple. And if that were not enough, I could always knit up a baby sweater with the yellow Rowan Soft Baby I have… Hmmm, I better get Simon’s Christening jacket and Anita’s presents finished first!
I have been lurking HERE too because I have YOU!!!!!! Email is on its way
wow! that’s some stash!!