What the Heck Is Wrong with Kids Today?

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My following desperate email is taken from Debi’s posts in our Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue group. Not only does she have rabbits, but also birds. I have sent her animal cruelty story to assorted news folks, and hope to hear from somebody soon. Please contact Debi if you want to help out. Or better yet, call the MSPAC numbers listed below and demand to speak with them about the obvious abuse.

Subject: Please help. FEDERALLY PROTECTED Blue Heron Visciously Attacked and Killed in Blackstone, MA by Teenage Boys
Cc: Debi (eekabird@cox.net)

We are trying our best to get the word out on these boys’ horrible action and how our tax dollars are being miss-used. Please note that the MSPCA Law Enforcement director is due to leave for vacation and does not want to handle this case.
Feel free to contact the person who experienced the case first-hand or myself for any questions.
Kimberly Nicdao Reynolds

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: House at Pooh Corner (eekabird @cox.net)
Date: Sep 28, 2005 8:17 PM
Subject: [sweetbinks] Please help
To: sweetbinks@yahoogroups.com

I need to find out what happened to this bird. I’m sick about it.
Last evening, September 27, 2005 at 6:30 pm, I received a telephone call from my sister in North Smithfield. She had received a message from a coworker who lives in Blackstone, MA (Rocco Street) that three teenaged boys were throwing rocks at a blue heron. Though this woman called the Blackstone Police, nothing was being done. She was told by the Blackstone Police that it was an animal control matter, and that she should call in the morning. In the meantime, the boys refused to listen to her and continued to harm the animal. She feared the heron was badly injured.

I drove from Providence, RI to Blackstone and found this magnificant bird lying on the ground in the woods, bleeding from obvious wing fractures and going into shock. I carried the bird and my sister drove us to Ocean State Veterinary Specialists in East Greenwich.

When I called Ocean State Veterinary Specialists this morning, they could not tell me if the heron made it through the night, because it was now a police matter. I’m not getting answers from the MSPCA either.

I have the names of the teens involved. There are witnesses to the abuse of this beautiful blue heron. Children who do such grave harm to animals don’t generally stop there.

I’m so heartsick that there is no follow up about wildlife rescues. Who do I turn to? Who can tell me what happened. I can’t even sleep at night.


Here is the latest on the blue heron story. The bird was euthanized.
The man from the Massachusetts SPCA’s Law Enforcement Division said that the bird had “old injuries” and that he was leaving for vacation for a month. It does not look like this is going to go anywhere.

I took the bird to the vet personally, and saw with my own eyes that both wings were snapped at the joint and piercing the skin. This is not an old injury. The fresh blood was all over my clothes. When I spoke to the Regional office of Fish and Wildlife, I was told the MSPCA was in charge, so you can see that this is going to get stuffed under the rug. It sounds like they are trying to minimize the harm done by the boys, which one could not do if you saw the bird.

We need to get this story told. Blue Herons are Federally protected birds, and the teens who tortured this animal may go without so much as a warning.

The MSPCA’s law enforcement division can be reached during normal business
hours (9-5, M-F) at: 617-522-6008 or 800-628-5808
Northeast Regional Office
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
300 Westgate Center Drive
Hadley, MA 01035-9589

Switchboard: (413) 253-8200
Fax: (413) 253-8308

Debra Garceau-McGarry

“If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the
shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal
likewise with their fellow men.”
St. Francis of Assisi

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