Something Different yet so Comfy

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Okay, I have decided to take a break on documenting the past 2 months and throw something in the present. Tonight while searching for patterns, I noticed a knitblog which was listed in the Asian Knitters Ring. Being Filipino myself, curiosity piqued and I had to check it out and join. After submitting my application and updating my site, I began reading the ringed blogs. I discovered a number of fellow crafters through the other links, and found that one of them lives in Boston.

Please do not misunderstand me. I absolutely LOVE the weekly meetings at RA Yarns with my SNB buddies, but sometimes just knowing that there are other crafters who physically look like me was reassuring. Maybe it is the fact that there is a very small Asian population in New England. Whatever that 7-percentile means, at least I know that I am not alone. And that’s good news for an insecure person like me. =:8

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