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Handmade Bunny Love

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With all of the immense activity in my oh-about-200 groups on Ravelry, it is a wonder that I was able to co-hostess the swaps for the “Bunny Lovers” group. We have had two swaps in Fall 2008 and Winter 2008. Both have been quite successful because no angels had to fly in and send rescue packages for any non-showing flakers. However, as a few Ravelry pals have pointed out, the lack of flakers might have something to do with my running the “In Search Of and Destashing” group (a topic worthy of its own post). I digress, and continue with the package I received on January 31st from the talented Kelly of the “Thumpyfuzz Fiber Arts” blog.

Goodies from Kelly, Blizzard, and Willow!
When I spotted the postman walking by the window, I thought to myself, “Cool! Maybe my bunny package has arrived.” To describe my reaction after opening the door, I had to double check the address on the 9x12x15-inch box. Its weight had me thinking Rich ordered something because there is NO way that yarn and bunny treats could be THAT heavy! Realizing that the address was Kelly’s, I carefully grabbed my camera and brought the box to the couch. I slowly measured and rotated the box to begin photographing every bit of this reveal. I always delight in slow openings for swap packages and savor the memories of each one.

Goodies from Kelly, Blizzard, and Willow!
Carefully I slit the tape and peered inside. Seeing the crumpled newspaper pages as filler, I quickly grabbed the crumpled pages and pulled them out. Immediately the boxes of tea appeared. Squealing, I saw that both were delicious dessert teas that would appeal to my sweet tooth. I grabbed the teas and photographed them accordingly. Looking back in the box, I saw that handspun yarn and candy had spilled into the space where the tea was. The richness of the red and brown colors combined with the luxurious feel of the yarns made me pause. Fondling the yarn was a delight. Photographing the yarn was another story because red is so difficult to catch! Saving the red-papered item for last, I moved it aside and reached to clear out more of the newspaper. But when I grabbed a tubular-shaped newspaper, it was solid — and heavy. Gingerly I lifted the item and unwrapped it. It was homemade pepper jelly! Already excited from curiosity, I opened another tube of newspaper and that was homemade pineapple salsa. Spotting the third and last tube, I opened that and was treated to homemade grape jelly. All I could repeat over and over was “OMGOMGOMG!!” The cake of chai tea soap with the soft washcloth (I love how it wraps around the hand!) appeared along with the bunnies’ treat bags individually labeled with their names.
Dessert teas!paddingStrawberry and Chocolate Yum!paddingHomemade goodnesspaddingChai tea soap, washcloth, and bunny treats
Turning my attention to the last item, a red-papered treat, I wondered what it was. Not willing to take my time, I ripped open the paper and gasped. A felted fair isle bag fell out into my lap. To explain, felting is when an item made out of wool is washed and shrunk on purpose. Most folks are familiar with felting when purchasing the fabric for arts and crafts or when they accidentally toss a wool sweater into the washing machine and dryer. This bag was knitted with meticulous colorwork in what is called the “fair isle” technique of using two or more colors per knitted row. Kelly not only knitted and felted this bag, but she also embroidered and spot-felted details to it!! I mean check out the clasp, the shooting star and the moon!! I actually started crying because I knew how much work it took for her to make this bag for me.
Front of Kelly's bagpaddingBack of Kelly's bag
Close up of the clasp and shooting star
I have met many folks like Kelly who inspire me to learn all I can about using my hands along with my brain. These friends have demonstrated that putting complete thought into little packages can have a lifetime’s worth of meaning. Thank you, Kelly, Blizzard, and Willow. The bunnies and I love everything!! =:8
Ravelry Bunny Lovers Swap Winter 2008

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  1. What a lovely bag! I’ve tried felting before and it’s not my favorite technique, but when someone makes something that is felted, it makes me want to try again and again!!!

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