My 3 Words for 2017
If there is one habit I picked up and still follow, it is selecting “My three words” to guide me through the upcoming year. This tradition of sorts began with Chris Brogan of Owner Media, whom I met at Boston’s Podcamp in 2009 thanks to Guido Stein. The purpose of this philosophical exercise is to help you achieve goals that you have difficulty reaching.
Here is last year’s recap:
Courage — inspired by Massimo Bottura and his wife Lara Gilmore
Relax — inspired by SlytherBun’s Godparents, Anna and David of “The Fields of Michael and Gabriel”
Stoic — inspired by Dr. Maurizio Seracini
To say 2016 for our family was akin to the Trials of Job may be an understatement. We were flogged with assorted twists and turns that began a year ago when I was rear-ended in an accident and our roof needed replacing. We were not sure how our insurances would cover the accrued expenses, but in the end (almost a year later for the car accident) they were paid. The year is almost done, but not without issues with both of our vehicles and with two hospital scares. As for the end of 2016, we are looking forward to closing this chapter and moving on to 2017.
Because of the past year’s roller coaster ride, I based “My 3 words” on the four seasons to inspire myself in keeping positive and optimistic:
- reflect — Autumn is when I ponder of the past year’s wondrous blessings and trials by analyzing how to prepare for the next ones.
- dream — Winter is when I mull over these same reflections to sort out which will be helpful, damaging, and/or necessary.
- voice — Spring is when I follow through with my dreams by executing them to the best I can.
As for Summer, these 3 words will enable me to reap a harvest of worthy memories from my Ohana, supportive circles, and life in general.
Would you like to participate with me in selecting 3 words? If you need ideas, “My three words” through the past few years have been:
- 2015 – Water, Wake, Release
Won’t you join along with me as we reflect, dream, and voice? =:8