Representing with Others for a Friend
To be finally able to write about this project is a huge relief because I have been bursting to talk about it whenever I caught anybunny who would listen. There is a sense of pride bubbling from myself. It began with Amanda Cathleen‘s inspiration to comfort a friend who can be found in a dictionary as the definition of generosity. In November of 2006, Cathy of “Tightly Wound Loosely Knit” organized a blanket to be made for her friend Jenn. Jenn had suffered through a long stretch of pain and Cathy requested for blanket squares to be donate. Not hesitating, I helped out and knitted two squares.
A year later, Cathy’s luck drew the short straw and her health was hit with mis-diagnosed cancer. Seeing her friend’s situation, Amanda Cathleen contacted those of us who helped in Jenn’s blanket in the hopes that we might be interested. To her amazed surprise, over twenty knitters volunteered, and thus the traveling shawl began. The pattern was simple with its 255 stitch cast on garter stitch. Each of us would knit a set of rows in a blue (but not royal blue) superwash worsted weight wool. My choice was an easy one — Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Worsted in the Tahoe colorway. I knew that the soft blue highlighted with the purple would please Cathy. I had received the yarn in swap from the wonderful gcclfar on Ravelry. After knitting my strip, I included a little tape measure for Cathy. As all fibery crafters know, tape measures disappear like the dickens, so one can never have too many.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, I am also thinking of knitting a little something to help promote “Bunnies Are not Toys!” Today is Ash Wednesday, and there are 40 days until Easter with Passover around the corner. I had seen a cute stuffed toy pattern on Ravelry called “Chocolate Bunny” which does look like the real confection. Looking in my stash, I discovered a nice amount of brown superwash wool perfect to make a couple of these as presents. Since I have ivory in that same yarn, I just might have to knit up some white chocolate ones too! If anybunny wants to join me, please do the following:
1. Comment on this post
2. Tag your project in Ravelry as “bunniesarenottoys”
(If not on Ravelry, Contact me with your email address so I can send you an invitation.)
3. Show your rabbit(s) in all their glory via photograph when done
Here is the incentive: For the most bunnies made, I will offer a skein of Wollmeise of choice in red (Indisch Rot), blue (Vincent), or green (Frosch) to the winner. *ETA* If only 1 bunny is made from all the participants, then a drawing will be held. Likewise, if there is more than 1 person who made the same number of chocolate bunnies, a drawing for those knitters will be done.
Ready? Steady? GOOOOO!!! =:8
Wow, what an awesome prize! If I didn’t have SO many things to do right now I’d join in!
I think it’s really lovely what you did Cathy and Jenn. I know that must have been greatly appreciated.
how adorable! i know i have some wool of the andes in a perfect chocolate shade somewhere – count me in!
What wonderful projects.
Good luck!
oh, i love this idea!
No, animals are not toys..
I can’t thank you enough for joining in on my crazy scheme and going along for the ride! The yarn that you picked out is beautiful, it took me a long time to weave in all the ends. Not because there was a lot of them, but because I was looking at the yarn that each person choose!
*swoon* Someday, can I come over and just *sit* with all your yarn? I’m totally envious of your stash lady. Totally.envious.! *L*
I will never be able to convey to you how much this beautiful gift has meant to me. Every time I wrap up in it, or just look at it I am overcome by the time, love and prayers that went it to its creation. I love the colors, they are so calming and beautiful. This is a gift I will treasure for the rest of my life. You have all touched my heart and I am truly grateful. xoxo
This is a fantastic idea – you seem to be full of good ideas all the time
Miss Eve and Neville would also like to say that they approve – which is pretty rare for lagomorphs anyway…
I am ready to join in to spread the word that bunnies are best given as Easter (or anytime) presents if they’re made of chocolate…or yarn!!
Good morning,
I am fairly new to Ravelry and stumbled upon this today. Count me in for a number of reasons: I agree that bunnies are not toys (or to eat for that matter!), the pattern looks like fun, and, I want to win that prize!
Thanks for doing this,