Giving Feels Great

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Lots of giant “thank you” hugs to all of you. Reading your comments made my day! To celebrate, I gave up four things today. I could count what I put in one of the packages since it was part of my chocolate stash, but I shall spill the beans.

The first item given was obviously the bag of clothes I set aside last night. I dropped them off at the HR office before I went into my side of the building. Funny thing about the donation, none of the HR employees knew about it, and some even told me that no such e-mail existed! Boy were they surprised when someone popped his head up and said, “Oh yeah. I remember a memo being sent out now.” Geesh! Scary, eh?

The second set of items I gave was in a little package for the lone American, Soul Glo, who lives in Sweden now. She had surgery recently and I have been wanting to send her some goodies to cheer her up. In case she is blogging about, all I will say is that her goodies are American. 😉

The third item was included in the yarn for another Blog Buddy. She had missed the BKOAC so I sent her some blue fibery goodness that she missed out on. I sure hope she likes chocolate, and if not then maybe Wifey or Little Man (tee-hee, that’s Rich’s nickname for Zydeco!) will be happy to take it off her hands.

The fourth item for today? Blood. I forgot that there was a Blood Drive today in the building, so before lunch, I forked out a pint of my red stuff. Best part? The gentleman handling my donation said that if I wanted more cookies and juice to come back later. Giving always gives back to you, and that feels great! =:8

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  1. Glad things are looking up! I am amazed at all the things you do…and gave blood on top of it all! Misbehaving WIPs should be whipped (or frogged). I am so impressed you make time for exercise. I’d be tempted to just sit back and eat the chocolate;)

  2. wow, you definitely got a lot of karma bonus points! giving is always such a great feeling. especially since i’ve started knit blogging, i am aware of just how powerful giving can be. the smallest things carry huge, resonating impact.
    i have a huge respect for you for giving blood. i tried giving blood once, but it wasn’t exactly a fun experience. while i was privy to the cookies and yummy food afterward, it was a rather traumatic and disappointing experience when i consider that i was lying there for 45 minutes and hadn’t even filled half a bag. they poked both arms trying to get a vein, and even twirled the needle while it was in. ugh. i’m reluctant to participate again…

  3. OOOOHHH!!!!!
    Goodies for me!!!???
    I’m just out surfing and stretching my knee and hopped over ( pun intenede) for a visit! OOOOHH!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!! Goodies for me!!! You have made my day! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I am so happy, I just made my knee hurt! 🙂

  4. I so miss giving blood! Thank you for giving…it’s so important. And I always felt soooo good after – it’s such a different feeling (giving literally of yourself, instead of $$)! Lupus treatments make my blood unacceptable 🙁
    Your other gifties are cool, too! I must get my closet cleaned out…

  5. Wow, you’ve certainly been busy – and donating blood is definitely a big bonus point too! The guy you handled your donation sounds absolutely lovely! 😉

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