Clunking around Gracefully
Today while I drove back from Yarnia to get that last hank for finishing Rasha’s Icarus, I realized that I needed to get a more stable exercise habit. Granted, there is “Walk and Knit” at Borders and yoga at FocuspointRI, but at $12 a session, yoga is expensive over my little yarn budget. I decided to take that solid first step and walk a mile when I came home this evening. Months ago I resolved to walk during lunch. It seems that only if certain factors are in place, I will go. So far, I have gone only once, and that was with Rasha after eating some sinful Chinese food. It was a beautiful day, and I was able to take some fabulous photos.
Now that I did my one mile walk at home, I actually feel better. I can see how this little bit of exercise can lead to bigger goals, and I am looking forward to them. I have to give kudos to Zarah and Kimberly for writing about their exercise regimen. What was the best part of the walk? I did not change into the Sacony shoes bought for running. Tonight I wore my work outfit — jeans, my “got chocolate?” t-shirt from the Chocolate Cafe in STL, a cardigan, and my steel-toe Doc Martens. I have worn those boots so much that they squeak. To put some amusement into the picture, my neighborhood can be a triffle stuffy (okay, the word is “snotty”). I was walking to the end of my street (1/2 mile each way) and back to my house squeaking and clunking away with arms pumping like I am power-walking. I felt a sense of accomplishment; I did something I set my mind upon. If Debbie could finish her 30 mile walk for Breast Cancer this past weekend, I can walk one measly mile and I enjoyed every second of it!
During the walk, I was able to come up with this entry’s title, and I thought of the different meaning that the words presented. The first image was from my evening walk. Another image is how I am in the mornings. I can be a morning person if I go to bed early enough and get 6-7 hours of sleep. I have always loved being up before dawn so I can see the sun come out. Unfortunately with inadequate sleep, I am about as graceful as Frankenstein.
The last image came to me from one of Femiknit Mafia’s entries. She hinted about big changes possibly coming into her life. I am in a similar situation. A few weeks ago, I took a deep breath and applied for another job, one that would dictate the rest of my working career and possibly be something to retire as. I made it through the first interview, and my second one is this Thursday. If I get the job, great; if not, at least I know I tried. For me, nothing is worse than that regretful “What if” feeling from not going for something you want. After so many “what ifs” in my past, I now would rather try and fail to see what I need to improve on myself than not try at all and wonder for the rest of my life. So I am clunking around gracefully while waiting for the work-week to end.
On that note, be sure to see me in my Doc Martens this Sunday at the Boston Knit-Out and Crochet. I will be at the Bloggers’ Table, and I will have some binders filled with the latest entries from our Blog-linkers plus goodies to hand out! =:8
Congrats on the big job news! Best of luck.
Hope to see you on Sunday.
Speaking of … if you’re the web mistress behind the site, can you remove my first name? I’m silly and a bit paranoid sometimes. Thanks for indulging me.
Good luck on the job interview on Thursday!
Icarus? Holy Moly!
good luck on the 2nd interview!!!!!
Good luck on Thursday!
Good luck on the interview :o)
Hey miss! I am definitely going with youuu!
Good luck on the career change – and you still have time to change again if you get that job and decide it wasn’t for you.
Exercise, I think the key is to find something you enjoy. Then you do it because you like it, and the exercise is a bonus.
I hope to get to the Common on Sunday. Keeping my fingers crossed for the weather!
Good luck with the interview
Good luck on your interview! Way to go on your walk!