
Reflecting on 7 Days (Lots of Photos!)

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The saying “Time flies when you’re having fun” totally applied to me this week. Last Saturday afternoon I was celebrating Worldwide KIP Day by knitting in rainy Providence at the Borders Bookstore and had the privilege of knitting alongside with Jacob from Providence SNB and Knit-n-Drink fame. The SNB group meets every Thursday usually at Reflections on Wickenden Street. Feel free to drop the gang a note on their LiveJournal site, too! And yes, I was able to get a quick snapshot of Mr. Jacob. 🙂

That night after a great meal at Outback Steakhouse, we saw the latest X-Men movie. I liked storyline and how they added some twists, but it was a bit predictable. And in listening to what another knitblogger wrote, we stayed for the last bit after the credits and it was very thought provoking. All I could do after the movie was say, “Wow, COOL!” And nope, I won’t say anymore. Instead I leave you shots of the rain in Providence’s Waterplace Park. 😉

Sunday I flew out to my work’s Saint Louis facility, leaving my husband with all four bunners in his care. I silently prayed for him to have a worry-free week with the fur-kids, but figured he would have a BLAST not having me around to bug him about his online Delta Force playing. The work week was good, the food great, and the touristy stuff amazing! I will not repeat myself with the other items I mentioned in my last post, but I am publicly thanking Marji from Fiberarts Afloat, Sarah from Beauty School Dropout and Ann Konzen from Threadquarters for their help and assistance in recommending yarn stores and what to do in Saint Louis. Besides JBucks, PF Chang’s, Cheesecake Factory, and Qdoba’s, we ate in the section known as “The Hill” at Cunetto’s House of Pasta where the food is PLEN-TI-FULLY served and absolutely delicious. Here are a couple of photos of the sky outside PF Chang’s and from looking up the Arch before heading up to the top of the stainless steel sculpture.

In lieu of seeing the volleyball tourney, Stephen and I opted to leave early for the airport, and he kindly gave in to my wild banter about finding a yarn store on the way there. We visited the one that Marji goes to, and that is Myer House off 170. I was able to get 6 balls of Crystal Palace mohair/merino/silk in 2 variegated colorways, 2 skeins of Regia’s wool/silk sock yarn, and also a little something for my Secret Pal. Oh, before I forget, here is the photo hint I promised for the contest. And ironically enough, there is already a winner who figured it out! My husband did say I was quite predictable and an easy read. The prize is made of some goodies that would be great for the hot weather. And… Nikki (from Olive’s Knitting) won. I hope Olive does not like to eat silk and cotton!

Now, one final thought before signing off. I completely forgot to bring ANY of my books with me on the trip! Here is the list of what I am reading in no particular order for Kat with a K’s Summer Reading Program.

  • Pebble in the Sky — by Isaac Asimov
  • Of Mice and Men — by John Steinbeck
  • A History of Japan — college textbook
  • Brave New World — by Adolph Huxley
  • The Chronicles of Narnia (all the books) — by C.S. Lewis

I hope to read at least 3 of these books by the end of summer on Labor Day. Wish me luck!! =:8

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  1. I know better then to make myself a book list. A History of Japan? Wow;) I found X-men entertaining, but deep? I’m sure there will be another. I hope Patrick Stewart comes back some how, I mean if Jean did, so can he. Did your bunners behave while you were out checking the yarn stores on your trip?

  2. Wow! I’m so glad you were able to make it to Cunetto’s! I think that is a really neat part of St. Louis that out of town visitors often miss, it sounds like you liked it as much as I do!

  3. I’m glad you got to hit a yarn store while you were in St. Louis. I never managed to do that when I had to travel for my former job.

  4. wpw! Kimberly, GORGEOUS sky photo! thanks for sharing that. I love the arch picture too. Very artistic! 🙂
    John Steinbeck is one of my all time favorite authors. I’ll have to pick up Of Mice and Men again soon! Thanks for reminding me of it!

  5. Kim!!!! I couldn’t wait to tell you! I finally started the socks you sent me the yarn for. I am LOVING the way its working out!!!!!

  6. I passed through St. Louis and decided to spend an afternoon & early evening there around the Arch on July 3rd. Ray Charles was performing that night for free! Then there was a good fireworks show. They celebrate the 4th of July for 3 nights. Had a great time there and sounds like you did too.

    Geeze, your reading real books this summer. Me? I’m all into total beach read fluff!

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