Simon’s Announcement to the World
I updated my post on Simon’s arrival this past Monday. I added a couple of the photos to my original post I took the photos off the site, but here is Abby’s email to the family:
Subject: Simon Patrick has arrived:)
Greetings to all,
Simon Patrick was born Monday, January 9th at 11:50 a.m. He weighed 5 lbs. 10 oz and was 19 inches long. He was 37 weeks when he was born and is doing well except for a slightly below lower body temperature since he is rather thin and is lacking in body fat but should bulk up soon enough. He’s very laid back; only cries when hungry or when he is changed (doesn’t like the cold wipes), a very sweet baby – or maybe things are just easier the second time around. Gabby is great with him and is so excited that “we get to keep him.”
Attached are some pictures
Take care!
And if you do not feel like scrolling down to find my first post, here is the link.
Thanks for stopping by my webpage. Of course, we don’t think that of all Virginians! =) Some of my colleagues are native Virginians and they are very nice people. It’s just that we had a tough day that day and that’s why… Actually, the 2 nasty people we met might not even be native Virginians since we are at NoVa. We met a lot of people who are from other parts of America and is here because of their work (government agency/departments or non-profit).
Congrat’s on the new nephew! How exciting for all.