Update on the Great Blue Heron

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Can you scream, “CSI, we need you!!”? Please read the following from Debi’s post on our Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue Yahoo Groups page. And a good piece of info: even though our local NBC channel was the only news station interested on investigating the story, it seems that we have CNN’s attention. Woo-hoo!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: House at Pooh Corner
Date: Oct 2, 2005 5:46 PM
Subject: [sweetbinks] More on the blue heron
To: sweetbinks@yahoogroups.com

I found out about additional details. The bird had indeed been sodomized with a stick and one of the boys who “allegedly” abused the bird actually urinated on the poor heron.

I wrote to the Milford Mass. paper and the Woonsocket Call, because that’s the largest local paper closest to Blackstone, MA.

So far, all I have heard about was a fine, and the father of one of the perps doesn’t believe it. I guess the medical evidence is pretty clear that the bird was violated, and this wasn’t just a case of a few rocks being thrown.

I’ll be updating people periodically but I think it’s going to be a letter campaign kind of case as we work to achieve some justice for this poor heron.


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