Prayer for Sandy
I met Sandy Hodell through her husband, Steve. Rich, Steve, and I had worked together at Fleet Bank years ago. In fact, Steve and Rich were the IT Field Services’ dynamic duo that literally built the Lincoln, RI campus. A number of folks in the Field Services team always joked that Rich could easily be mistaken as Steve’s little brother, and I was one of those who agreed. Granted, Rich does not act like Stevie, but they both have similar physical features, especially now since Rich has grown a goatee. 🙂
Sandy is one of the most talented crafters that I have ever met. She can create dolls out of miniature flower pots, sculpt figurines out of wood, sew all sorts of clothing in any size, knit up ANYTHING, and embroider like there is no tomorrow. The sampler she cross-stitched for our wedding present is still one of my favorites, and I hung it immediately in our bedroom when we came back from our honeymooon. Anyway, Sandy had surgery on June 7th. She is back to her upfront, bold, and funny self.