Filling 3 Bags for Charity
Gratitude and appreciation are often overlooked and taken for granted. Gina Bonomo Dugas of the Mosaic Yarn Shop in Blacksburg, VA was determined to remind everyone how luckily blessed we are. She conceived an idea to host an event that benefited not one, nor two, but three local charities: libraries, the local food bank, and the homeless. Her idea came to fruition on December 5th during a snowstorm that kept folks further in distance away, but for the folks who did attend, the event was a hit!
Here are the details of this charity event:
The $10 admission included a buffet lunch, exclusive buying at the featured vendors, chances to win door prizes, and a goody bag full of various items from all over the fibery and local businesses. Each table had a literal pile of yarn that might be mistaken for a centerpiece, but was in fact a selection for the knitters and crocheters to make hats. At each seating was a pattern varying from a newborn to an adult male. The crafter would first decide which table (I sat at the purple yarn table though the orange yarn table tempted the Hokie in me) and then sit in the chair of whatever pattern interested her/him.
With so many colors to select, it was difficult to choose, but since I brought in the purple yarn from the Land’s End event, I decided to make as many hats as possible with it. To make the day more fun, I taught two women how to knit. Both had learned a little, but needed more coaching. By the time all three of us were finishing up the day, I had not only enabled them, but also made two more friends.
There are many folks in the fibery world to thank for their donations. I am listing them here because their generosity should be noted:
- Twist Collective – for the postcards, buttons, and gift certificates
- Juniper Moon Farm – for the advertising postcards and sheepy tattoos
- Bijou Basin Ranch – for the cool stickers and postcards
- David Simpson’s Fiber Studio – for the yummy fibery goodness
- Lawre’s Laine – for the very cool notions bag
- Classic Elite Yarns – for the heavenly scarf kit
- Berroco Yarns – for the 3 bags of yarn to be used in the hats
Huge thankful bunny hugs go out to every one of these companies for participating!! The best news of this event? We will be doing it next year and will have at least twice as many folks than the 71 crafters that signed up. How do I know? When the Pawtucket Red Sox had their first Stitch and Pitch game, the numbers were exactly the same. (I am rubbing my paws together in glee!) *beaming bunny* Until then, these 42 photos will have to do as proof! =:8