Back to Basics: Blue Jeans and Knitting Patterns

Back to Basics: Blue Jeans and Knitting Patterns

For the past six years, I have been plagued with the issue of trying to replace much loved blue jeans. Shopping for denim garments is a challenge because of the physical changes that the fabric often provides. Upon the suggestion of my mother-in-law, I changed to a different style, cut, and brand. That change is…

Enjoying the Silence with 3 Words for 2016
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Enjoying the Silence with 3 Words for 2016

Last year, I kicked off 2015 with the “My 3 Words for 2015” post on the (now closed) “” blog. I proudly can share that I successfully managed to implement those words (water, wake, release) into my daily life. Now that we are forty-five (45) days into 2016, I guess it is time I released…