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Want over Need

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I have been dwelling on what topics to discuss for months, and how to write out the thoughts that appear in my head. Sure I could report on the woolly gatherings and adventures, yet sometimes I want to write something from the heart. Recently a friend had forwarded a quote to me by Abraham-Hicks Publications. Intrigued, I immediately signed up for the daily quote which is e-mailed. The following quote is from Abraham during a workshop held in Spokane, WA on Wednesday, July 7th, 1999. Its words beautifully state what I have been feeling inside for quite some time:

“Inspiration comes forth from within. It’s what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don’t do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don’t really want to do. Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting — and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome.”

There have been incidents which affected my decisions of what I needed and wanted. I had been so stressed out, that in order to relieve the pain I bought close to a ton of yarn and various other things. I did not always want the items presented. Rather, I needed to purchase them because I felt like buying said objects would make me feel better. The need to purchase created a greed for certain items. Before long, my acquiring was out of control and a new stress came about on how I was going to store my “pretties” that I needed around myself to feel mentally better. I had no desire to maintain my home or myself. I ended up with half-done tasks, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes.

The news of my health results on February 5th this year kicked me in the pants. I made the decision that I did not want to be diabetic and that I was going to beat the disease. The want and desire not to be dependent on medication drove me to change my diet radically — no white sugar, white flour, or white pasta; no milk, butter, or eggs. I finally joined a gym, but am not working out like I should. However, by changing my diet, I dropped from that initial A1C of 11.9 to 8.0 and I am proud of that.

Then a light bulb switched in my head about the rest of my acquisitions and behavior. The questions “Do I really WANT all of this yarn? Do I really WANT all of these tools and books? Do I really WANT all of these clothes and shoes?” plugged at me. Finally the real questions, “Why am I holding on to these items? Why do I think I need them? Why can I not do the tasks I set myself to do?” I realized that I had to let go of the items that presented negative energy to my well-being.

I began by purging various items beginning with the 260 groups that I was part of in Ravelry. I asked myself if I was in those groups “just to have” or was I going to participate fully. After removing myself from over 100 groups (hey now, I am still working on that purge!), I looked into the yarn stash and I was stunned. I had never seriously considered how much yarn was in my possession. There was no way I could ever knit all of that delicious fibery goodness before I died. I started a set of destashes, and I felt incredible. In fact purging the yarn bought because I was unhappy was like a release of tension — the rubber band that was drawn tightly to the point of being broken is slowly coming back to its original relaxed shape.

Happy with these latest findings, I began wanting to work in my flower bed again. I also have bought yarn, but now the pretties are items that I truly want to use — not just because I am feeling sad and need a “fix” to feel better. I travel and see friends when I can, and no longer drone about being a lifeless homebody. The feeling of self-improvement continues to grow, and I want more of it! Here is hoping that by late November (my 40th birthday) that I get my wants and desires. =:8

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  1. Keep it up. Take care of yourself in little ways, and the big ways tend to work out just fine.

    Holy platitude, Batman! Sorry ’bout that.

  2. Great post!. I think I needed to hear that. Thank you so much. I still have yarn for you if you want it.รขโ„ขยฅ

  3. Excellent self-discoveries!
    May the Universe continue to offer and may you continue to accept opportunities to love yourself unconditionally!

  4. I’m so proud of you!!! Not because I thought you needed to do these things (because honestly I didn’t – hell I never even gave a thought to it) but because you realized there were things you were unhappy with and went about finding a way to fix them and are happier!!! big ol bunny hugs!!!!

  5. Hey! You’re awesome for taking that inner inspiration and actually making it into reality! You have inspired me to make some changes too (more like making me push myself a bit more than I am). In my 20s, all my friends were getting married and having kids. I was down and wondering why it wasn’t happening for me too. I looked inside and found that I didn’t really like myself, so how could anyone else like me? I made some changes-became more outgoing and got involved in activities and stopped complaining. It worked! Almost 15 ( ha ha ha make that almost 20 years) later, I’m in a similar situation but for different reasons. Part of my “change” is going to the gym, using my Wii fit more and eating better. Let’s cheer each other on!

  6. Take care of yourself girl! It sounds like you are doing just that… keep it up and keep smiling beautiful!

  7. A “Spring Cleaning” of sorts eh? I think that sounds excellent. These days, it makes sense to pair down and really focus on those things that you truly have time and focus for. I’m inspired. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I need to be inspired by that quote of the day. Congrats on all of the positive things going on with you and for you!

  9. Congratulations!! I too find that having too much “stuff” can just create more stress. Getting rid of what you really don’t need can feel so liberating and something I am trying to work on. I am also struggling with high cholesterol and trying to stay off of medication. It is a constant battle and not easy to change habits that have been around for a while. Good luck and take care! We’re all in this together!

  10. Congratulations on the diet changes! I did the same thing with my high cholesterol and felt so good that I was able to change it without using medication.

    I hope your new life changes continue to inspire. I think as Americans we so easily get caught up in consuming (because we are encouraged by everything around us). I have been destashing this week myself and it feels so good!

  11. “Be the person you want to be” seems to be a general theme of 2009 for a lot of people (myself included). I’m glad to see someone taking the bull by the horns and getting what they want out of life!

  12. Very inspirational- and much to think about. Way to go on getting your blood sugar #’s down- that in itself is quite a task. Keep it up!

  13. Congratulations on making the health decisions and adjustments while you are still young. My family history is diabetes, high blood and chronic diseases that can be eliminated or controlled with healthy food and exercise. Taking control while you are still young means that you still have choices and are not forced to make changes.

    I understand letting go of things that no longer make you happy. I am in the process of letting go alot my “stuff”. I hope the charities that I give this stuff will enjoy and make good use of my stuff.

    Oh yeah turning 40 is a riot. You will see more things clearly and if you are not used to saying “NO” try it. You will feel more liberated.

  14. It’s rare to read something inspirational and then be inspired to make changes. At least, it’s rare for me! I loved this post.
    Don’t be afraid of 40. Or 50. (Can’t say 60 yet…) As you get older, you care less about some things that were just baggage, like what strangers think of you. That clarity alone makes it worthwhile.

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