Something to Boot
This week has been difficult for me with the horrible murders on Monday. Between the bawlings and hysterics, I managed to fit in some happier moments to distract me. No, work does not count! First there are the “big swaps” of Secret Pal 10, Knitters Treat Exchange, and Sockapalooza. While reading up on my spoilees for SP10 and KTE, I have been trying to organize my stash which I now admit is at SABLE (stash accumulated beyond life expectancy) status. (It took me a good chunk of time to determine that I have made the achievement.) Along with the exchanges, Knittyboard and Knitter’s Review have swaps so I can trade the yarn for items that I have been checking out. There are some items “in the fire” so to speak, but I will have a list posted on its own page in case anyone is interested.
I had two other types of distractions this week: a pair of concerts, and a pair of new yarn shops. The concerts were both at the Providence Performing Arts Center, lovingly known in Rhode Island as PPAC. Tuesday night was Norah Jones, and Thursday night was Harry Connick, Jr. I am only a “casual” fan of Miss Jones, but she is incredible in person. I do believe the effect was from the fact that we were in third-row seats. Harry Connick, Jr. is quite an entertainer. He has a bit of sarcastic wit pouring off his tongue. I felt awfully bad for the woman who brought him flowers (“I must tell you that these are going in the trash after this concert.”) and the woman who brought his father’s CD (“You have been flashing that thing in my eyes so much, my corneas are all burnt.”), but nothing could top when he told this 12 year-old boy that he knew the kid would rather be seeing Justin Timberlake and was stuck with Harry. Yup, pretty hard words. I am relieved that our seats for Harry were much further back than Norah’s concert.
The two yarn shops I visited this weekend are different in style and composition. Since Knitters’ Nook has later hours than most by closing at 8PM, I decided to drop in the shop after work on Friday. I was not familiar with the location, but careful driving (aka, following the speed limit) allowed me to spot the address of “152” on the grey brick building. Sharon and Mike have filled their shop with lots of Berroco and KFI yarny goodness. The light pine cabinetry and shelving give a cosy feeling to match the welcoming sectional and country table. The atmosphere is one of a country cottage — warm and inviting. I look forward to dropping in the store on Fridays!
Before I discuss the second store, I must chat about one of my favorite LYS to hang out and knit. While the “Yarns at Lacewings” Warwick and Pawtucket locations each have a distinct style and inventory, both offer a welcoming feel when walking in to knit or for browsing. I had dropped in on Thursday and Mary had pointed out a new line she was carrying, J. Knits. The irony here is that I saw the yarn in a catalog, and was thinking about getting some. Looking closely at the photo below, the caked up silk/merino hanks in the Providence colorway sure are pretty! Please note that the Warwick location has “sit-n-knits” on the second and fourth Sundays. During this Sunday’s sit-n-knit, I worked on my Hokie Hope secret project, which is a pattern I designed but cannot show yet. I am checking to see if I can get it formally published. Yes, I am a tease. Here is another tease, though I know I need to thin my stash, I found the yarn for my VK SS2005 #23 pattern – a hooded lace cardigan. More photos on that when I get a chance, but it is Louisa Harding’s Angora in #1 colorway. Gee, more Hokie colors of orange and maroon. What a surprise.
After hanging out at Lacewings, I drove out to the just-about-a-month-old Fresh Purls on Providence’s Hope Street. The stark white walls and cabinetry offer a crisp fresh feeling that matched the Providence Eastside’s local. Like the Warwick Lacewings location, that same clean look feels Scandinavian and tidy. The various handpainted yarns called out to me, and like the J. Knits, demanded to be touched and petted. I finally settled on some sock yarn: Sunshine Yarn and Dream of Color. No comments from the Peanut Gallery, please! Three of these yarns are gifts for my swaps. Really! However, the knitting and shopping for stash IS booting my grief and depression. I believe a road trip is in order very soon! =:8
How lucky to have two interesting concerts to go to.
You are a brave one to enter yarns stores, even new ones, what with the stash approaching critical mass (wink). But then I happy to hear the shop therapy is working. Hugs!
I’m glad to hear that there have been some happy things to distract you from the terrible tragedy at your alma mater, though I know that will be difficult for a long, long time.
So, Harry Connick Jr. sounds like a bit of a jerk. The comment about Justin Timberlake seems funny to me, but telling the woman her flowers would end up in the trash is just plain rude. Sounds to me like he has forgotten that his fans are the people who pay his salary. He’d be in bad shape if they STOPPED loving him and bringing him flowers.
I love that Fresh Purls sells Sunshine Yarns — it has such great colors! Be careful, though, because the yarn does bleed a fair amount on the first few washings.
Glad that there have been things to distract you. >
Er…okay half my comment kinda disappeared….!!
But anyways…hugs… =D
I’m so glad you “escaped” for a while, and we as readers reap the benefits….love those yarns shop reviews, I could only wish to have a good one in town!
I didn’t realize Harry was so mean/sarcastic or sarcasticly mean (if that’s a word).
Take care of yourself…chin up!
hey kimberly! not to worry. while you may not have been reading bloglines, it’s understandable given the current events. and i, on the otherhand, HAVE been reading yours. i’ve been reluctant to comment, mostly because i don’t know what to say about that. i feel it’s such a sensitive topic. just this weekend, there’ve been so many news stories and testimonies; it’s difficult to keep the emotions in check watching it all. i can’t even imagine what i would be going through if something like that happened at either my high school or college alma maters. i’m still quite involved with what happens at both institutions – just this weekend was my high school’s annual family fair – so the magnitude of what happened at VA tech would be completely incomprehensible to me. i’m so glad you’ve had a lot of fun stuff to fill your weekend! i concur with the other comments that i’m jealous of your access to so many yarn stores
take care, kimberly. i’ve been thinking about you. (((*HUGS!!!*)))
LOVING the new layout, btw.
Glad you got out and had a little fun! The yarn shops look like great places to visit. We only have one yarn shop that’s close so I love to see everyone elses lys.
You hang in there, sweetheart. I’m so glad you found some happiness and comfort in your yarny adventures.
Having the same LYS as Robin in VA, I’m jealous too!! but VERY glad you got to go and enjoy the yarny goodness.
can’t wait to see your surprise project you’re working on (crossing my fingers on the publishing part too!)
So glad to hear that you had such lovely distractions. Of course you had to get to those new shops to find gifts for your spoilees. It’s a matter of duty!
Holy cow woman – if you’re destashing all that’s up on that flicker, I’d hate to see what you’re keeping!!
Glad you’ve had distractions though, it’s been a tough time – and Harry Connick is sexy, not to mention talented!!
Hi, it was nice seeing you too this weekend!
I was so sorry to hear about what happened at your alma mater, and like others have said, I’m glad you were able to find some happier moments.
Yarn is always a good therapy =)
Thanks for the yarn store reviews. I’ll have to check them out in person!
Yarn shop on Hope St? Yarn shop in Warwick?
Oh man…I know what I’m doing the next time I’m in Lil’ Rhody!!!
It is difficult to find comfort with any of this, especially with all the never-ending media focus. I did not attend that school, don’t know anyone there, and have not been in college for (way too) many years. And yet, I have cried many, many tears over this tragedy this week, with you and everyone else.
I’m glad that you have had some distractions…take any breaks you can get to enjoy what we still have.
What! A yarn store on Hope Street! Sure, after I move away they open a store I could have passed everyday on my way to work. Probably for the best, considering my space and budgetary constraints. You have some nice yarn picks!
It does sound a like Harry was a bit of jerk. I hope he was just having an off night.
I’m glad you’re finding distractions from the news. Hopefully, that will give you time to heal.
Have you heard about this??
I’m thinking I need to find some appropriately colored yarn…
Hope you’re doing okay. That happened on my birthday. Being Virginian, though not an alumni, I immediately made a donation to the Spirit fund and then got out my VT necklace to wear. Now I realize the sock yarn you sent me is VT colours. I really need to finish those off you know? HHUUUGGGSSSS!!!
Definatly some good distractions going on there.
Hope it all helped.
Cool! A couple of LYS’s I haven’t been to yet – thanks!
Nothing like a bunch of knitting to get you through tough times, right! Take care.
Okay, this isn’t specifically related to your post, but I saw a bunny hopping down Waterman St on the east side in Providence today – probably not too far from that Fresh Purls store! Totally random, but I thought you might like to hear about it.
Such a well written post.. Thnkx for sharing this post!