Are my WIPs Producing Bad Mojo?
Hobbies are supposed to be fun, not tasking. I remember when rugby became a chore and not a release. Knitting this weekend felt the same. I have been slacking on everything in so many ways. I keep pushing off the task of packing up my excess clothing for fellow employees affected by the typhoon in our Philippines facility. I have had no drive to cook or bake since Rich lost his job a couple of years ago. My WIPs pile keeps getting bigger, and I keep forgetting to send out promised items to friends and family. With the holidays fast approaching, I need to get on the ball and finish a LOT of things!
Besides what is mentioned above, here is my list of to-do’s that require immediate addressing:
- update my Sidebar with my monthly Neopet choice
- finish and send out Anita’s knitted goodies
- send out the “Please get well” goodies to a Glowing Soul
- send out the blogging goodness to a fellow BKOAC friend
- begin addressing the holiday cards and writing the letter accompanying them
- finish at least 3 WIPs in the rice basket
- finish Jennifer’s birthday present by Saturday the 21st
- post Rasha’s letters up on this site on her own page
Guess which one I am obsessing over doing first? Well, I did get one knitting FO accomplished over the weekend — the 1st bath poncho for the Dutchicans. There would have been two FOs, but I had a slight issue with the second project.
After surveying my stock of needles and finding my Plymouth Bamboo circular set (much joy in the house!), I had realized that my only size US4/3.5mm circular needles were tied into that last leg of my Amazing Lace project. After deciding to finish the bottom-up camisole once and for all, I started knitting away when the poncho was done. There is now a slight problem with the WIP. No, it is not the fact that the needles are not in the project anymore. You see the area of stitching from the top of the 1×1 ribbing and the bottom of the second lace pattern? In my early Saturday morning stupor, I had knitted the pattern in the incorrect order for about 4 rows. I did not figure it all out until I laced my lifeline and knitted another set of repeats! I think that is a pretty good sign that bad mojo is alive and well, so I spent some time thinking how this negative karma started and I realized that it boiled down to my being angry and frustrated.
Wait… Angry and frustrated? At what? The lack of time for knitting, my struggle to schedule fitness into my life so I can keep eating what I love and still lose weight, discovering family members who could care less about you, and the biggest one of all — being stuck in a job that may be easy, but can be quite boring, then unable to get one matching your drive and the appropriate goals that you seek.
I have been frustrated at being left alone as an island at work again. The lack of physically being part of a team is taking its toll on my mental health. Since the only web developer that I work with in the office had left for better pastures (I am really glad for him too!), I am only in contact with folks via instant messaging, e-mail, and the occasional phone call. Just when I started feeling depressed and sorry for myself, I realized that I had a lot going for me.
There is always someone worse off than yourself. Today, I became inspired by a young woman’s story on her fight with breast cancer. She was just 30 years-old when she underwent a double masectomy. After the additional treatments of chemotherapy and radiation, she discovered that her body was menopausing. Devastated at not being able to conceive, she and her husband decided to adopt. She and her husband willingly share her story with their students at the schools they teach. What I was able to take away from her is that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Even though she could not have a baby, she could still be a mother. I decided that even if my personal mountains are just foothills to others, I must take the first step and walk each step surely and with definition. So did you figure out what I did tonight yet?? If you said packing up the clothes, posting Rasha’s letters, and working on Jennifer’s birthday present, you were correct! Small steps, remember? =:8
Sorry things are crap right now. It has to get better….Right?
When you are in the middle of all that, it is often hard to see beyond the ages of your pain, anger, frustration. It is good that the inspiring story opened a window for you.
While it sounds a bit trite, I always feel better when I’m doing something for someone else. You packed up some clothes and posted a letter and worked on a present for someone else. And you feel better.
I was told once that even our problems are not as big as someone else’s they are ours and we have a right to feel the pain of them. When I thought about that at the time, my head responded, “but do I have to wallow in that pain?” That helps me get through too!
Glad you were able to accomplish some things. Hope the rest turns around for you too!
Sorry to hear work is so tough lately – I remember how horrible that felt. I’m hoping things get much better soon. As for the WIP mojo . . . we’ll just let them know who’s boss!!! Hang in there sweetie!
Hi Kimberly. It’s been a long time since I’ve commented on your blog. As you know it yourself, I pretty much dissapeared for awhile. Slowed down a lot on my knitting and blogging. I missed you guys and now I’m slowly coming back into the knit scene.
If I didn’t do so already, I wanted to thank you again for your wonderful act of kindness with that care package you sent me. Brightened up everything. And yes, I did see the little labyrinth medallion. It was so awesome.
Anyways, I feel for you. I totally relate to this post of yours. I am trying so hard to find time in my day. It just seems like there aren’t enough hours in a day for me. I have a 2 hour commute to work everyday and that sucks out a lot of knitting time. I try to work out and do yoga, but only can accomplish that once a week. Then there’s the puppy, and the meetings and the cleaning. Very overwhelming.
And don’t even get me started about work. Let’s just say, we are pretty much in the same situation. But hey, it helps pay the bills. I just wish I was home knitting.
Anyways, I’ve rambled long enough. This is my turn to give a consoling comment.
Hang in there.
You’re right, someone always does have it worse off than you, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not justified in feeling frustrated with work. I can certainly relate and that is an extremely annoying situation to have to deal with. I hope it gets better soon!